If there were even 10% truth in advertising, one issue of Cosmo would make me a happy man. Think about it: June’s “75 Hot Mattress Moves” would have yielded (rounding down) seven new tricks to wow my wife. Seven!
. . . which just happens to be the exact number of “boundary-pushing moves all men secretly crave.” All men? We’ll see about that.
50 Ways to Be Closer to Him: will I find five that would work on me?
1. “Hey, come here.”
2. “You coming to bed, or what?”
3. “Rub this, why don’t you.”
4. (pointing)
5. “Ahem.”
Have I mentioned yet, I’m easy?)
Follow me below the fold for more Cosmolicious (their word, not mine) goodies.
Karen’s watching 60 Minutes, and they’re doing a story on a sperm bank which over-utilized one particular donor’s sperm. I gather the mothers are worried that their children might end up marrying a half-brother or half-sister. Interesting, don’t you think? You see, this donor’s profile was so attractive, LOTS of women decided they wanted him to be the father of their children.
I suspect most male medical students get the letters — you know, the ones that politely suggest you can earn money by jerking off. Not much money, but $40 a pop adds up after a while. And how many times had I thought, “If I had a nickle for every time . . .”
So I answered the letter. An attractive receptionist took a thorough medical history, and if I’m not mistaken, my blood was drawn as well. Last thing they want is an HIV positive sperm donor, and even waaaaay back then we had testing for carrier status on certain genetic diseases, like Tay-Sachs.
Once I made the first cut, I was told I would have to audition. Because, well, you know — they don’t want just any old sperm.
Auditioning is harder than you might think. They informed me that my “sample” (are you thinking about a supermarket deli yet?) could not be wrung from a condom, nor could my wife help in any way involving bodily fluids or lubricants. Nor could I use any bodily fluids or lubricant. It needs must, apparently, be the product of a dry hump.
You ladies: ask the man in your life, or affable male friend, how easy it is to ejaculate sans lube. NOT.
I was beginning to understand how I would have to earn my $40.
Remember, this was in the 80s, pre-YouPorn, pre-porn DVDs, pre- any porn whatsoever except for magazines, which have never done much for me. Oh, I suppose I might have gone to an X-rated movie theater, but folks got arrested for such behavior. No, I would have to do it the hard way.
Oh. And it had to be fresh.
Some time thereafter, the sperm bank called and requested my presence. What could be so important that I would have to meet with one of the supervising physicians? Were my little guys Super Spermatozoa, so viciously potent they would have to dilute my donations 1:10, such that each sample would garner me $400?
I wish.
Nope. The doc told me there were “too many aberrant forms.”
“I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you,” he said. “You’ll probably be able to father children. But we can’t use donors who provide too many aberrant forms.”
Some years later, when we were having fertility problems, I got myself checked out once again. This time around, everything was fine*, which leads me to ask: was it my spermatozoa who were aberrant, or was it me?
Don’t answer that.
*Karen recalls: “They were better than okay. You had a very high sperm count, with excellent motility.”
So there.
Dean loves nudes, but I love faces. Some of the best faces appear when you search Flickr for sultry.
This expression doesn’t say “sex” to me. There’s sadness, thoughtfulness, and above all else intelligence in her gaze. I want to know more; I want to know her. (This is a new photo since the original post. Funny thing . . . my comments still apply!)
As usual, I’ll try to hit the live blogging circuit by 7:30 PST. We had quite a crowd last Saturday. Feast or famine around here!
Contemplating a “Thirteen Worst Pickup Lines” post, I find this gem of a page, which includes the warning
Any attempt to rebroadcast this page without the express written consent of Major League Baseball, the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, and the Atlanta Braves is strictly prohibited (Implied oral consent is insufficient).
Do Major League Baseball players even need a pickup line past, “I’m a pitcher for the Atlanta Braves”? But I digress.
True story: back in college, I found a book entitled 1001 Best Pickup Lines in an Embarcadero gift shop. At that time in my life, I really could have used 1001 Best Pickup Lines. My idea of a good line: “You know, sex doesn’t HAVE to mean anything.” Or: “Yeah, I know you’re a head taller than me, but I think I can get past that.”
Needy or not, after leafing through 1001 Best Pickup Lines, I didn’t waste my money. It’s amazing how fast you can rack up 1001 lines when the first one is, “Hi! You look like a Gemini,” and the next 11 follow suit. “You look like you enjoy [motorcycle riding, gymnastics, scuba diving . . .]” is good for a few dozen lines, and “Hi! You look [Swedish, Brazilian, Turkish . . .],” covers at least 100 more. (Watch out, though, because, “Hi! You look Burkinabé,” might be met with a blank expression, or worse.)
So it intrigued me, to say the least, to find Major League Baseball’s repository of pickup lines, complete with success statistics. To wit:
“Do you take it up the ass?” 17 attempts, 2 successes.
First the news: I’ve made it to Round Three in the Samhain Contest. My entry is now #4 in the comment thread. This is the make-or-break line, in my opinion. If I don’t alienate my supporter(s) with this one, I might just make it to the finish line.
“Kiss Me Goodnight,” from marco_n65
Last Thursday, Thorne commented that she would like me to write about:
Your first kiss. (The kiss by which all others have been judged; and found wanting)
I’ve been thinking about this a lot. Over the weekend, I started re-editing my romance, and when I came to the first kiss, I thought Meh. I play the first and second kisses for laughs, and none of them ever rise to rock-my-world quality. I also recall many of my betas griping about my lack of time and attention to kissing. All seemed to agree that my writing is trapped in Freud’s Genital Stage.
In the June 11/18 issue of The New Yorker, Jeffrey Eugenides writes of his reaction to Nicolas Roeg’s 1971 film Walkabout:
Soon the Aborigine and the girl are cavorting naked in an oasis. Later, as they near civilization, the Aborigine performs a mating dance, to which the girl doesn’t respond, and the next morning she finds that he has hanged himself in a tree.
Two suicides. A lengthy montage of Edenic, but full frontal, nudity. And all without my mother putting her hand over my eyes. Beyond the wondrous excitement of all this was the message the film conveyed, and for which there existed no better recipient than a twelve-year-old growing up in the wake of the sixties: civilization was evil, technology deracinating, and the only solution a return to nature.
Through this whole piece, I was so with Eugenides . . . right up until that last sentence; because, at that point, I became convinced that during our most impressionable years, he and I had watched a different movie. He thought the message of Walkabout was that “civilization was evil, technology deracinating.” (Precocious twelve-year-old, eh?) For me, Walkabout confirmed something my nine-year-old brain had known for several years.
Girls will drive you fooking nuts.
Some creative ideas for the perv man of the household. I’m warning you now, don’t let the wee ones follow you below the fold.
Sorry for the quickie thirteen, but Walnut gots a cold and canna think too clearly.
June Cosmo surprises with its meaty goodness. You might actually want to purchase this one, or at least finger to the good bits while waiting in the checkout line.
We’ll be leaving for Ashland later this afternoon, so my linky lurvitude may be a little slow to manifest. When I’m posting from the Blackberry, anything too complex becomes a challenge. Now how do I copy a URL when there’s no Ctrl-C? Yeah, it’s a pain in the arse.
So if you come late to the party and you’d like some lurve for one of your recent posts, feel free to post a link in the comments. And I know a few of you aren’t HTML-savvy, so here’s a quickie tutorial.
Got it? Good!
On to the Fourteen: Fourteen Things I Learned From Cosmo, part . . . aw, whatever.
It all began innocently* enough.
Erin O’Brien wrote:
What the eff is this?
Check it out, then follow me below the fold.
Erin just had to get me back for the Aneros prostate stimulator (pictured), so she sent me to the Erotech website.
Erin, I’m not going to ask how you found out about the LoveLumpTM; but I picture you up way past your bedtime, cursing the Goat for falling asleep while you were working on your daily blog post, figuring you’d find some porn satisfaction on the Web, and racking your brains for the most twisted search terms possible.
“Hmm,” Erin sez. “How about appendage, organ, reactive, and warm? Ah, here we go!”
Good thing this is Friday, because the photo below the fold is sooo not work safe. You’ve been warned.