O’Brien, me, and an anonymous hoo-ha

It all began innocently* enough.

Erin O’Brien wrote:
What the eff is this?


Check it out, then follow me below the fold.

Erin,Dr. H shall make all clouded things clear.

First of all: YouPorn it ain’t. It failed the Hoffman Wood test.

The language is Japanese.

To the right and left are the vaginal walls; to the top and bottom, the tongues of a stainless steel speculum; center screen, the cervix. Mysterious white fluid, eeew. Looks more like a creamy vaginal discharge than semen to me.

If you watch carefully, as the video progresses, the vaginal walls move laterally/medially. This demonstrates that during orgasm, the vaginal walls “tent” outwards. BFD. So some gal volunteered to masturbate with a speculum up her, what did you call it? Well, you know what I’m talking about.

Hope this helps!


Erin O’Brien wrote:
Dear Dr. Hoffman,

Um. Thanks.

On May 20, 2007, at 5:09 PM, Douglas Hoffman wrote:

Well, you did ask.


I was laughing so hard when I read your response, I nearly fell off the chair. I don’t know why, the whole thing just struck me as hugely funny.

Even I do not have the balls to post this. If you’d like to, it’s all yours. You can reference me or not reference me as you so choose.

Good lord. Who does this shit?

luvya baby–


Hi Erin,

Yup, I’ll post it, along with our exchange. It’ll be . . . it’ll be fun!

What I’ve been longing to do, but have not yet gotten the nerve: a Thursday Thirteen on my favorite YouPorn videos. One problem is, my 11-year-old son sometimes reads my blog, and I don’t want to have to explain how a woman gives birth to a cell phone.


And now I discover that our hospital CEO (Gilbert Huph) has read my blog. So, um, yeah — you’ll get that Thirteen Favorite YouPorn Videos real soon.


*Allowing for a loose definition of innocently, of course.


  1. kate r says:

    The woman’s voice is so reassuring — cheery yet not over-the-top. I want her narrating my whole life.

    speaking of over-posting did you dump my last comments?

  2. Walnut says:

    Last comments — huh? There were the two on the previous post. They’re still there.

    Sometimes, the software will flag something for moderation if the comment has more than two hyperlinks. Is that what happened? I’ll go check and see if there’s anything in Moderation.

    Nope! Nothing in Moderation. (That’s my motto, coincidentally.)

  3. Lyvvie says:

    The only reason you have so few comments is because no one clicks back – they’re all perusing the other “lady orgasm” clips.

    I’m not all that interested in lady orgasms myself so I came back.

    I assume the narrator isn’t the same woman having the orgasm, because she sounds far too calm. No hitch in the voice, nothin’. Unless that’s normal…I’m not looking up “Japanses lady orgasm” to find out.

  4. Erin O'Brien says:

    I am interested in Lyvvie’s orgasms.

  5. Walnut says:

    Yeah, O’Brien, me too. WE WANT VIDEO!