Three beautiful women

A quick one for your pleasure. Surely you don’t object to a quick one?

Today’s Random Flickr Blogging number is 3655. Here are three women who caught my eye.


And now give me some love . . .

Over at Daily Kos, I’ve posted a diary on the Safe Food Act. If you’re not a Kossack, you won’t be able to give me a recommendation. But a few of you are Kossacks.

The rest of you — well, it wouldn’t hurt to edumacate yourselves about the food supply.

Anyone up for live blogging tonight?


Pimp Kate’s ride!

Kate Rothwell, an author Deserving of Far More Recognition But Too Unlucky to Get It©, is having a contest. She’ll send you a free book, and all you have to do is post your review. It doesn’t even have to be a positive review. You could slam it, say it’s not fit for kindling, say that all extant copies should be used to paper the walls of the Museum of Reprehensible Writing, and Kate will still honor the contest. Right, Kate?

Oh, as for the prize: if you post a review, she’ll put your name into a drawing for a $30 dollar gift certificate to the book vendor of your choice; and if you shout out her contest, she’ll put your name into a second drawing for a $30 gift certificate. How easy is that?

For the record, I love Kate’s writing, whether it’s her Summer Devon sex shtick (you know, the guy from the future where all men look like Michelangelo’s David only with a BIG penis) or Kate being Kate (here’s my review of Somebody Wonderful). I thought for sure I had reviewed Somebody to Love, too, but dammit, I can’t find it now. Well, I liked that one too!

So head on over to Kate’s place, read about the contest, and do your thing. Pimp her ride, whatever that means. I am such a square.

And I haven’t forgotten about my contest winners, either. Just lazy — still can’t think of a good prize.


PS: what’s up with Somebody Wonderful not being available? That’s just not right.

The best 3 things about Spiderman 3

We don’t go to theaters much. Seems like one or all of us catches cold at those things, so the movie had damned well better be worth it.

The best looker in Spiderman 3: actress Mageina Tovah, who plays Ursula, the super’s daughter.

Kirsten Dunst? Meh. Sure, she’s conventionally pretty, but something’s missing. Stage presence, perhaps, which Miss Tovah has in spades. If I had my choice of dates, I’d pick Mageina over Kirsten and I’d never look back.

(Okay you doubters. Here she is in a YouTube compilation video.)

The best special effect in Spiderman 3: the Sandman.

Yeah, he’s so The Mummy, but we enjoyed the Sandman effects just the same.

The best laugh in Spiderman 3:

That ’70s Show‘s Topher Grace in a Catholic Church, praying to Jesus to please, please kill Peter Parker.

But why were Jake and I the only ones laughing at that scene? Wasn’t it supposed to be funny?

Anyway, it’s late. We got home at ten forty-something, so my brain is too fried to give you a more respectable review. Perhaps tomorrow.


Thirteen Aphrodisiacs

Oy, this is late for a Thirteen. Sorry. I began it last night, worked on it throughout the day, and now (9:38 PM) I’m hoping I’ll get it posted before midnight my time.

I had a three hour committee meeting tonight. THREE. HOURS. And to think I did this because I thought I might generate some fine writing material. NOT.

Well, let’s get started!

I’ll admit to some bias in assembling this list. I’m not interested in male aphrodisiacs — you won’t find any ground-up rhino horn here (and how non-PC does it get, anyway? Poor rhinos!) Male aphrodisiacs are all sympathetic magic anyway. Find something that looks like a penis or testicles, cook it up, and eat it. Or go straight to the real deal.

I know a couple of markets in Silicon Valley which sell bull, um, parts, but the gourmet in me objects. No, thank you.

But when it comes to augmenting the female libido, I confess to a scientific/professional interest as well. How do you manipulate emotions with pharmaceuticals or herbs? With depression, we’re way ahead of the game, but desire seems to be quite a different story.

Follow me below the fold for a glimpse at the not-so-new and exciting market of love.


If I told you you had a hot body, would you hold it against me?

When I was a teenager, I imagined married couples would have sex constantly. Nightly at a minimum, perhaps more often, work schedules permitting. Why wouldn’t they? They would have the means, motive, and opportunity. It would require a focused act of willpower to get anything else done.

I excepted my parents from this presumption, of course, and my girlfriend’s parents, too. Impossible to imagine any of them getting nasty. But people in their twenties — wow. Hook up a generator and you could light a metropolis.

At 17, I never imagined fatigue could affect libido (like I would have let a sleepless night slow me down?) Nor did I think illness, worry, or depression would ever factor into the equation. What could you worry/be depressed about if you had a steady supply?

The photo comes from, a website that markets Avenavin, a “female vitality blend.” I find this photo remarkably expressive, from the pocket pool-playing nitwit in the foreground to the scheming Mrs. Robinson in the background. I can almost hear her saying, “Rrrroooowr!” They need to include a video demonstrating her new, improved pouncing ability. But I can’t help but think her plans are ill-fated. Perhaps it’s his Morrissey-like look of despondency.

I found the Avenavin folks by googling “female libido” (this, after Thorne led me to Feministing‘s piece on a new drug which makes female shrews waggle their bottoms, present their rumps, and eat less food). Avenavin isn’t the appetite-reducing bum-shaking drug, just to be clear; what it is, is a mixture of various herbs ‘n spices. They give an ingredients list, if you’re curious. Anyway, I was taken by some of the testimonials:

It is wonderful, I made the mistake and took it before bed and tried to go to sleep, I had to wake my husband up in the middle of the night, but he didn’t mind. Just wanted to say thank you again! So does my husband!

See, men are ready all the time. It’s the nature of the beast. The only thing that destroys my libido is stomach flu, and even then I wake up with erections. What woman wouldn’t want that same sense of readiness?

Thanks Avenavin, I feel like a sorority girl again. I’ve become more confident, more aggressive and much more sociable since I started taking your product. Incredible sex and I have several orgasms now before climaxing.

Not to stray too far off topic, but am I missing some sort of fine distinction between orgasms and climaxing? Cuz if I am . . . I mean, I’m still trying to wrap my head around female ejaculation.

What I’m attempting to say is this: I still can’t understand why married couples aren’t boinking nightly. Assuming neither partner is in pain or grievously ill, that is, and that both have the skills to make it fun for the other. Sex should trump everything: not just fatigue, worry, and depression, but screaming babies, overdue bills, hangnails, and hangovers.

If we were more bonobo-like, the world would be a better place; but libido apparently defies logic. Which is why I pledge to make tomorrow’s Thirteen about aphrodisiacs. Hopefully, I’ll discover one we can slip into the water supply.


, May 2, 2007. Category: Sex.

Random walk

How many blogs are there in the world?

Sometimes it’s fun to take a random walk. I don’t remember how I found Word Oyster yesterday, but I think I found it by searching ‘anal bleaching.’ I searched for ‘anal bleaching’ because some reader found me that way — and if I remember correctly, my post on anal bleaching was rather negative. Yes, I pooh-poohed the practice.


Tonight, Word Oyster led me to Madeline in the Mirror, the sex-centric blog of Madeline Glass. Current top post concerns the noises Madeline makes in various and sundry situations . . . situations which come in every flavor but vanilla. Madeline steered me towards Rachel Kramer Bussel’s Kinky Virtual Book Tour, which in turn led me (through one or two missteps) to OH. MY. GOD:


See, this is one of those times when I wish I had more hetero male & lesbian readers, because I want y’all to know this website rocks. Here’s their credo:

Project_ISM is an erotic, web-based, self-portraiture project, where women from around the world submit a series of digital photographs that they have shot of themselves naked.

The resulting collection of images is a celebration of the diversity of women – physically, artistically and psychologically. For some women, contributing to the project is purely a creative endevor, for others its a cathartic release of a lifetime of inhibition or maybe just an opportunity to be a star for a day.

But for everyone who contributes (or sees it), it’s fun.

Tired of spending hours porn-surfing the web, finding nothing but adult movie actresses & wannabes? Want to see some real women having fun with their bods? Project_ISM is for you.

Damn it, now I’m hungry.


PS Don’t miss the video from ISM. I love women!

Real or fake?

Way too much fun. (For a guy, anyway.) From The Sun Online, via Word Oyster . . .

Play “Spot the Bogus Boobs.” I got 7 out of 8 correct. How did you do?

Spend some time over at Word Oyster, by the way. You won’t regret it. And please keep reading down to my next post. My question at the end is no joke.


PS: have an appetite for more? Click on the photo.

Freaking out

. . . over this melamine scare.

From (gotta love a website like that):

Months after dogs and cats started dropping dead of renal failure from melamine-tainted pet food, American consumers are beginning to learn how long and how wide this contaminant has also poisoned the human food supply. Last week, as California officials revealed that at least 45 people are known to have eaten tainted pork, the USDA announced that it would pay farmers millions of dollars to destroy and dispose of thousands of hogs fed “salvaged” pet food.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Through the salvaging practice, melamine-tainted pet food has likely contaminated America’s livestock for as long as it has been killing and sickening America’s pets — as far back as August of 2006, or even earlier. And while it may seem alarmist to suggest without absolute proof that Americans have been eating melamine-tainted pork, chicken and farm-raised fish for the better part of a year, the FDA and USDA seem to be preparing to brace Americans for the worst. In an unusual, Saturday afternoon joint press release, the regulators tasked with protecting the safety of our nation’s food supply go to convoluted lengths to reassure the public that eating melamine-tainted pork is perfectly safe.

Which leaves me asking my readers one simple question:

Can you recommend a good vegetarian cookbook?


, April 30, 2007. Category: Food.

Back to Eureka

. . . which is our most conveniently accessed “big city.” I’ve written about Eureka here and here, and although those two posts have cool photos, I’ve never posted one of Eureka. Hmm, let’s see what I can get off Google.

Ah, there we go. Eureka at its finest: the peace march on March 20, 2004. That’s what I like about Eureka: it’s called home by a few thousand folks who would be right at home in Berkeley.

And what is it about Berkeley, anyway? I spent four years of my life there, but it feels more like home to me than the San Gabriel Valley, where I’ve spent 23 years, or Palo Alto, where I spent 7. Or, for that matter, my current digs, where we have lived since ’98. So home is where the heart is, and I left my heart in Berkeley, is that it? And a rolling stone gathers no moss and the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

More rambling below the cut.
