Three beautiful women

A quick one for your pleasure. Surely you don’t object to a quick one?

Today’s Random Flickr Blogging number is 3655. Here are three women who caught my eye.

Love the tatt.

Sorry about Pan . . . but Pan’s gf has a great smile, don’t you think?

Hope you don’t mind me calling a young girl a woman — but she is beautiful, just the same.

From here, here, and here, respectively.

Question of the day: what pest do you hate the most?

I spent the last hour vacuuming up hundreds (thousands?) of teensy flies, so you can guess my answer.


PS: Oh sweet Lord. An Indian cooking blog. Yes!


  1. Lyvvie says:

    The guy who lives across the street who likes to drop socialist party literature through my mailbox. I don’t fucking vote, and if I did it wouldn’t be for the socialists so go away!! PLUS he never cleans up his doggie’s poop.

    Do over exuberant g-strings count? Because they run a close second.

  2. Oooh, that food blog’s a tasty-looking find there, Doug.

    BTW, that last photo was taken on the backwaters of Kerala (I forget the name of the lake, but it’s huge.). I recognized the colors of the landscape immediately, and the boat in the background is a dead giveaway. It’s the same region of India as the Jewtown sign I pointed you to…

  3. Pat J says:

    Worst pest? Fruit flies. At least till mosquito season gets underway.

  4. Walnut says:

    People who don’t clean up poop — that definitely counts.

    It’s really comprehensive, PS. I made her recipe for palak paneer tonight, and it was very good. I think Karen missed the richness of adding butter and cream, but I didn’t. Thanks for the info on Kerala. Jewtown still cracks me up.

    Pat . . . I don’t know if they’re fruit flies, but we get these teensy flies which infest the house. I spent well over an hour today vacuuming up the little buggers.

  5. Lyvvie says:

    I’m a firm believer in having a spider in the kitchen. Not a big one, or an icky one. I tend to get these half centimeter brown garden spiders that set up home in the kitchen and they do a very good job on keeping the fruit flies and midgies under control. The bonus is no bug bodies all over my counters.

    And if the spider gets too big for its britches, I punt it back out to the garden.

  6. Dean says:

    Spiders, I think, are good luck.

    I remember that crickets are good luck. I think spiders are too.

  7. Da Nator says:


  8. Generik says:

    Nice choices. I had a bit different take on the second one.

    Worst pests? Start with Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Michael Savage, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity and Glenn Back, and then work your way back on the evolutionary ladder from there.

  9. George says:

    Bare-chested guys pretending to be Pan are pretty high up there on the pest scale. Generik’s list deserves a term worse than pests….

  10. Walnut says:

    Yeah, I would go with “vermin” rather than pests!