We’re back!

The eats were good and the weather balmy, so we spent an extra night in Eureka (our nearest “big” city). Thursday night we ate at Cin Cin, an upscale Italian place, where the most memorable dish was a platter of five cheeses, walnuts, grapes, and honey. Mmm, walnuts dipped in honey. Jake, the Salt Monster, discovered he could dip grapes in honey and sprinkle them with cracked salt. Don’t knock it ’til you try it.

Biggest dessert hit was the panna cotta, which I had never had before. Karen says they did an unusually good job of it, so I’m tempted to see if I can make one at least as fine. As for main courses, Jake had gnocchi, I had about the most perfect scallops imaginable (seared/caramelized on one side, quick-seared on the other), and I think Karen had a salad.

Family photo below the cut . . .

I do not have a fat face. I’m tucking my chin. And I’m not vain. I’m not, I’m not.

Anyway, it’s a great photo of the wife and kid, so ignore the dude in blue.

The hotel had a complimentary limo, so Jake had his first limo ride (to the restaurant). And, for that matter, I don’t think Karen has been in a limo since our marriage. The hotel also had a pool table. Jake and I are both terrible. I’m a bit better at getting the balls in than he is, but unfortunately that goes for the cue ball and the eight ball, too. Jake had his fill of the swimming pool, too, so I think for him this mini-vacation was a great success.

Last night, Karen felt under-the-weather. Jake and I went to Avalon by ourselves. He had a burger and fries, I had crab cakes and a fancy chicken pot pie (with a puff pastry top). Nice place, quite kid-friendly for a fancy joint, and they knew how to make a decent Caesar salad — which is what I brought back to the hotel for Karen, that and a baked apple dessert. She rallied soon afterwards and is doing well, except for laryngitis. But even that seems to be getting better. And I’m sure I’ll be over my cough just in time for my patients next Tuesday.

I didn’t get as much bookstore time as I would have liked, and in fact none of us bought a single thing. Soon, I’ll be done with Gene Wolfe’s The Book of the New Sun (a very different SF bildungsroman) and I’ll need something new to read. Any suggestions? I only have one rule: I won’t read crap.

More tomorrow . . . and, if possible, why don’t I live-blog tomorrow night? We can all wish each other a Happy New Year.



  1. kate r says:

    I’m reading Nancy Farmer books with my kids. They’re great. . .but that’s not what you asked for. The Farmer books really are good though. I’ve read Scorpion House and ummmmmmer something about Trolls and of course the Ear Nose and Throat (Ear Eye and Arm?)The boy has only managed to get through the first two.

    What I’m reading otherwise: the latest Ann Tyler and then Darkly Dreaming Dexter. Apparently everyone loves that DDD book.

  2. Stamper in CA says:

    Nice picture, and I’m glad you had a good time.
    Happy New Year!!!
    Oooh, Panna Cotta? Not for me.

  3. Pat J says:

    Nice photo!

    The nerd in me notices that you’re wearing the Holy Trinity of colors in your photo — all colors on the web (or on your TV, or CRT monitor, etc) are made of red, green, and blue.

    Our travel plans for the evening were cut short by a snowstorm between us and our destination. Not something I imagine happens a lot in Cal-i-for-ni-ay.

  4. Walnut says:

    Kate, did you watch the HBO series this past year (Dexter)? Karen and I loved it. Verrry creepy. I almost gave up on it after the first episode, which I thought was way over the top, but it improved after that.

    Happy New Year, Sis. So what’s your idea of a dream dessert? I think creme brulee still tops my list, but that panna cotta was pretty incredible stuff.

    Thanks, Pat. And if you back up and look at it from a distance, I’m sure we look just like a tiny spot on Janet Jackson’s nipple 🙂 Sorry about your snow storm; we’ve had decent sunny weather the past three days.

  5. Kris Starr says:

    Hey, Doug ~
    Won’t see you between now and ’07, because I’m off to Rella’s in the morning to help get ready for the blowout house party tomorrow night.

    Will be thinking of you as we swallow Krugy. 😀

    Happy New Year (in advance) to you and the fam!


  6. Corn Dog says:

    What a great vacation and a wonderful picture. Jakes gets taller every time I see him! Ohhh AND a limo ride! Thats is SO MUCH FUN! The scallops sound yummy and that picture of panna cotta looks devine.

  7. shaina says:

    aww, y’all are so cute…:-)
    *is jealous of people who actually take vacations*
    winter break is way too long. i wish we were a cool family like you who took weekend trips and ate at fancy restaurants and stuff. hmph.

  8. Walnut says:

    Kris, have fun swallowing 😉

    CD, it restored my faith in scallops. I’ve eaten some awful ones. Anyway, I’ll be sure to post a recipe of my own once I fiddle with the recipes.

    Shaina, I think this was only our second family trip of the year — that and Seattle this last summer. Not exactly a bunch of traveling and I wish we could do better.

    Happy New Year to y’all!

  9. Lyvvie says:

    Sounds like you had a great time! Panna cotta is one of those wonderful desserts that makes you say “That was great but I’ve definitely had enough”, you just don’t get that with some desserts.

    I’ll live blog at New Year too, although it’ll be eight hours ahead of your one. Yay! Two parties!!

    Happy Hogmanay and many more to follow.

  10. Walnut says:

    Hogmanay? Is that when the Hogfather gives all the good boys and girls breakfast sausages?

    Perhaps because the serving size was small, this panna cotta wasn’t overwhelming. I could have eaten more 😉

    Happy New Year, Lyvvie!

  11. Suisan says:

    Great Picture!

    Welcome back.

    Suisan, the typographically challenged.

    (I’m not susian, I’m not.)

  12. Great photo… hey, I have a 10 year old daughter, Chanah… she’d look real nice w/ your son. Shall I call the match-maker?

  13. Dean says:

    VikkeJean, Jake is already betrothed to my stepdaughter. Was done over webcam earlier this year.

  14. Dean says:

    VikkeJean, Jake is already betrothed to my stepdaughter. Was done over (a camera that operates over the web) earlier this year.

  15. Lyvvie says:

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HogmanayHogmanay is a Scots celebration, where we’re happy for the drink on of NY-Eve. There’s an all night drinking mob party along the main street of Edinburgh (A few hundred thousand people, it’s really wild, and not the place to be if you don’t like crowds; we draw the largest in Europe) and then at midnight there’s a spectacular fireworks display set off from the ramparts of Edinburgh castle.

  16. nc says:

    What a lovely family photo! You all shine. Happy New Year!!!

    Have you ever read Hyperion by Dan Simmons?

  17. Walnut says:

    The problem is, Jake’s not even old enough to appreciate the idea of women fighting over him. I’m hoping he keeps his looks and (mostly pleasant) disposition through adolescence, but we’ll see.

    Lyvvie, thanks. Sounds wonderful!

    nc, I’ve tried reading Hyperion a few times. I can’t explain why some BIG books (like The Book of the New Sun) grab my attention while others, like Hyperion, irritate me. It’s weird. Hyperion struck me as pretentious and overwritten, but I could see someone coming to the same reaction with The Book of the New Sun. Yet it doesn’t bother me. Go figure.

  18. Best wishes, Doug, for a new year filled with joy, love, good health, friendship, and enough of whatever you want and need to fulfill your deepest dreams and desires.

  19. […] Back to Eureka By Walnut . . . which is our most conveniently accessed “big city.” I’ve written about Eureka here and here, and although those two posts have cool photos, I’ve never posted one of Eureka. Hmm, let’s see what I can get off Google. […]