Random walk

How many blogs are there in the world?

Sometimes it’s fun to take a random walk. I don’t remember how I found Word Oyster yesterday, but I think I found it by searching ‘anal bleaching.’ I searched for ‘anal bleaching’ because some reader found me that way — and if I remember correctly, my post on anal bleaching was rather negative. Yes, I pooh-poohed the practice.


Tonight, Word Oyster led me to Madeline in the Mirror, the sex-centric blog of Madeline Glass. Current top post concerns the noises Madeline makes in various and sundry situations . . . situations which come in every flavor but vanilla. Madeline steered me towards Rachel Kramer Bussel’s Kinky Virtual Book Tour, which in turn led me (through one or two missteps) to OH. MY. GOD:


See, this is one of those times when I wish I had more hetero male & lesbian readers, because I want y’all to know this website rocks. Here’s their credo:

Project_ISM is an erotic, web-based, self-portraiture project, where women from around the world submit a series of digital photographs that they have shot of themselves naked.

The resulting collection of images is a celebration of the diversity of women – physically, artistically and psychologically. For some women, contributing to the project is purely a creative endevor, for others its a cathartic release of a lifetime of inhibition or maybe just an opportunity to be a hot.net.porn star for a day.

But for everyone who contributes (or sees it), it’s fun.

Tired of spending hours porn-surfing the web, finding nothing but adult movie actresses & wannabes? Want to see some real women having fun with their bods? Project_ISM is for you.

Damn it, now I’m hungry.


PS Don’t miss the video from ISM. I love women!


  1. Thorne says:

    Fun stuff, Doug!!! I bookmarked a couple for future reference on Venusdays. (But my personal fav is http://sugarbutch.blogspot.com/2006/10/let-go-just-let-go.html

  2. Laurie says:

    i like to do this too. i only ever find gay porn though. not really my cuppa. but to each their own.

  3. Da Nator says:

    Hmm. I’m not going to pay to see more on the ISM site, but the video looks more promising than the photos. From the photos, it looks like just another bunch of young, skinny, mostly white girls.

  4. Walnut says:

    Yeah, what’s up with that? A few tame poses from Asian women, no one darker than a cup of coffee!

    But they’re not all skinny, if that video is to be trusted.

    Fine link, Thorne!

    Hi, Laurie! Keep trying . . . it’s not that hard to find the good stuff.

  5. Blue Gal says:

    will I be drummed out if I mention a non-porn blog, that’s way funny?


    Man. Funny stuff, and summa the best photoshopping.