The best 3 things about Spiderman 3

We don’t go to theaters much. Seems like one or all of us catches cold at those things, so the movie had damned well better be worth it.

The best looker in Spiderman 3: actress Mageina Tovah, who plays Ursula, the super’s daughter.

Kirsten Dunst? Meh. Sure, she’s conventionally pretty, but something’s missing. Stage presence, perhaps, which Miss Tovah has in spades. If I had my choice of dates, I’d pick Mageina over Kirsten and I’d never look back.

(Okay you doubters. Here she is in a YouTube compilation video.)

The best special effect in Spiderman 3: the Sandman.

Yeah, he’s so The Mummy, but we enjoyed the Sandman effects just the same.

The best laugh in Spiderman 3:

That ’70s Show‘s Topher Grace in a Catholic Church, praying to Jesus to please, please kill Peter Parker.

But why were Jake and I the only ones laughing at that scene? Wasn’t it supposed to be funny?

Anyway, it’s late. We got home at ten forty-something, so my brain is too fried to give you a more respectable review. Perhaps tomorrow.



  1. Erin O'Brien says:

    And parts were filmed in Cleveburg! WOOT! I was downtown when they filmed!

  2. Blue Gal says:

    Is it too violent for an eight year old? I guess we’ll find out, since he’s going this afternoon.

    I wish they wouldn’t paste Spidey all over every Cheese Nip and popsicle in the grocery store and then put out a movie that’s PG-13. It’s unfair.

    Please let me know about Spidey one and two, too. There’s pressure on that end too.

    I’m mommy, that’s why.

  3. Walnut says:

    Erin: you mean that WASN’T New York? I am so disillusioned!

    BG: depends on the eight year old. It all seemed very tame to me (the violence), although Spiderman does get pounded a lot. There are a couple of stabbings (including Spiderman, who magically never even notices, nor did the director, apparently) but nothing too graphic. I suppose the Sandman effects might be disturbing, since he tends to dissolve a lot.

    Oh, and no profanity or sex. Sigh.

  4. noxcat says:

    That’s not really a good pic of her…I hope she’s more attractive than that. 🙂

  5. Walnut says:

    Perhaps the Spidey people intentionally made her look as homely as possible. All I know is, she appeals to me far more than Kirsten Dunst (or that platinum blonde who’s in the movie, too). But it’s not the sort of thing a picture can convey — you would have to see her act.

  6. I stumbled across this article about Mageina and, since you’re a fan, I thought I’d scroll down here and post it for you.

  7. Walnut says:

    Thanks, IL! I’ll check that out today.

  8. Walnut says:


    I asked her to be my friend. Think she’ll say yes?