Thirteen Abominations

If that title strikes you as familiar, big fluffy brownie points to you for having a great memory. I’ve written not one but TWO “Abominations” Thirteens, both of which were about food. But recently, Erin O’Brien opened my eyes to one of the world’s other abominations — and it has nothing to do with food!

But I’m going to make you wait for that one . . .


Music for the Resistance

Cross-posted over at Daily Kos.

I’m not sure which is more depressing: that the House and Senate caved to White House intimidation over the “need” for broader domestic surveillance powers, or that none of my patients — including a local attorney — seems to have heard anything about it.

Like many Americans, I had a spike of hope when Democrats won control of the House and Senate last November. Since then, Republican/White House obstructionism combined with the cowardice of certain Democratic members of Congress has tempered (if not destroyed) that hope. And when I despair, I turn to the political blogs for hope; and when those blogs drive me further into depression, I listen to music.

This is a post about the new Nine Inch Nails CD, Year Zero.


Too short to be taken seriously

Tonight, Indecision 2008 features their Candidate Casting Couch: The Simpsons, wherein their writers have decided who among the Simpsons’ cast best matches the 2008 Presidential candidates. For example,

Dennis Kucinich = Lisa Simpson
Good message, always on point, vegetarian, too short to be taken seriously

Funny post, lots funnier than this one will be. You see, I am not in a humorous mood; I have more serious matters in mind. I’m provoked by curious about that phrase, “too short to be taken seriously.” Trouble is, I suspect they’re right. Think about it. Over the ages, how many ultrashort men have been taken seriously?

Well, this guy, for one — the original Napoleon Dynamite:

And, in recent history, former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich,

Sweet Jeebus, aren’t there any more important tall people? Well, there’s always this guy —


Chicken Soup Made Easy

I’ve served you matzo ball soup before. But who has time to brown the chicken pieces? And besides, no one likes to pick meat off the bone when they’re drinking soup. It’s so messy.

Word to the wise: don’t do a Google image search for “chick” with SafeSearch off — unless, of course, you’re in the mood for that sort of thing.


, August 6, 2007. Category: Food.

August 6, 2001

Today marks the sixth anniversary of the day President Bush received a PDB (President’s Daily Brief) entitled, “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US.” Yup, 8/6/01, a full month before the 9/11 attacks. Fat lot of good it did the victims of 9/11.

Ripley of Zen Cabin is hosting a blogswarm to commemorate this day in American (and Presidential) history. The theme? Here, see for yourself:

I’ve written this before, but it bears repeating. As a Jewish kid growing up in the 60s and 70s, I was raised on Geprge Santayana’s wisdom, that those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. We were force-fed the horrors of the past, such knowledge being proof against another demagogue rising to power to murder us yet again.

I’m beginning to wonder if Santayana was right. Maybe human nature is too deeply flawed to be protected by something as abstract as history. Maybe too few Americans ever considered the possibility that it could happen here.

Mind you, I’m not suggesting George W. Bush intentionally allowed the events of 9/11 to take place so that he could control our populace with fear, meanwhile making an historically unprecedented grab for Executive Branch authority, as well as a truly awe-inspiring theft of the public coffers. This Administration’s kakistocracy‘s subsequent actions come close to proving an altogether different hypothesis — that incompetence allowed 9/11 to transpire. Incompetence, craven indifference, or calculated maneuver, take your pick.

I’ll tell you one thing, though. “Calculated maneuver” makes for the best punchline . . .


Blogswarm tomorrow, 8/6/07: the 8/6/01 PDB

On 8/6/01, George W. Bush received a PDB — President’s Daily Brief — entitled, “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” What he did with that information, we may never know, but thanks to the demands of the 9/11 Commission, we have a portion of the memo itself. Wikipedia (that previous link) has arguments pro and con regarding the significance of the memo as it relates to Bush Administration culpability, but it is important to realize that parts of the memo have been redacted. (Why? Oh, national security considerations, no doubt!)

Tomorrow, Ripley of Zen Cabin is hosting a blogswarm to commemorate 8/6/07. Anyone is welcome to join. Ripley has a couple of images up at his joint, and as you know, it doesn’t take much of an invitation for me to indulge in a bit of photoshopping:

See y’all at tomorrow’s blogswarm! And check out tonight’s heads-up from Blue Gal.


Animals at the Fair

I don’t likes the food
Dizzy rides makes us jiggies
Those shyster games suck
But I likes me some . . .


Gogol Bordello on Letterman

. . . performing Wanderlust King off their new CD, Super Taranta.

I couldn’t watch the whole thing. From across the room (and it’s a big room), Karen yammered, “That is NOT good music.” Okay, okay. To each her own.

Jake and I are going to the Del Norte County Fair today. I think I’ll take Dean & SxKitten’s advice and shoot lots and lots of pictures. Maybe I’ll have something fun to share later today.


, August 4, 2007. Category: Music.

Michelle Duggar must have popped

Number 17, no? Or is it 18? After three, they all start blending together, don’t you think?

Welcome to all of you ‘net surfers hungry for Duggar snark. You’ll find plenty here, provided you use that little search tool — oh, here, let me do it for you.

Everything I’ve ever written about the Duggars.

I recommend that you scroll back to the earliest Duggar post and read them in chronological order. I ran out of interesting things to say about the Duggars, oh, about twelve posts ago. Professor Snape had some useful insights, but that got old after a while, too.

As for Ms. Anonymous who commented,

We all need to recognize the beauty being able to run our families however we choose to. Remember: Judge not lest you be judged !

I know, I know. Right now, I’m trying so hard not to judge that first sentence of yours.


Thirteen blasts from the past

The future is now, folks. Anyone who has had to explain the concept of a “carriage return” to his 11-year-old kid knows what I’m talking about.

Follow me below the fold for rabbit ears, and more . . .
