Michelle Duggar must have popped

Number 17, no? Or is it 18? After three, they all start blending together, don’t you think?

Welcome to all of you ‘net surfers hungry for Duggar snark. You’ll find plenty here, provided you use that little search tool — oh, here, let me do it for you.

Everything I’ve ever written about the Duggars.

I recommend that you scroll back to the earliest Duggar post and read them in chronological order. I ran out of interesting things to say about the Duggars, oh, about twelve posts ago. Professor Snape had some useful insights, but that got old after a while, too.

As for Ms. Anonymous who commented,

We all need to recognize the beauty being able to run our families however we choose to. Remember: Judge not lest you be judged !

I know, I know. Right now, I’m trying so hard not to judge that first sentence of yours.



  1. shaina says:

    haha my mom told me about some lady having her 17th kid yesterday and i’m like, DUGGARS!!! and i told her all about it. i wonder what this one’s name is.

  2. Walnut says:

    This one’s Jezebel Jemimah.

    No, just kidding (although those are good Old Testament names!)

    Jennifer Danielle.

  3. Suisan says:

    Yeah, let’s not judge.

    Uh huh.

    Because they put their family out there on TV to set an example for the rest of us poor idiots who do not know how to raise our own children in a spiritual life. Because they have their own website up with parenting tips and recipe suggestions and recommendations against using birth control. Sure, we shouldn’t have any reaction to that at all.

    Just let it all wash over us in a fog of acceptance.

    Once again, if you don’t want people to comment on your life or work, then don’t put it out there for public consumption, OK?

  4. Walnut says:

    Just let it all wash over us in a fog of acceptance.

    That’s the spirit! Mustn’t give the Fundies any lip. We all know how horribly persecuted they are in this country.

  5. KariBelle says:

    Hey, some people recognize the beauty of being able to run their families however thay choose. I recognize the beauty of the availability of reliable birth control and the fact that my uterus is not going to spontaneously fall out of my vagina in 10 years. To each his (or her) own.