Category Archives: Quizi (testi?)


Guess what it is. No prizes, just that warm spot in your soul that comes from knowing you’re badder-assed than any other Balls and Walnuts reader.





And now, in honor of Mother’s Day, what is this woman standing next to? (NSFW . . . I guess.)


Famous Last Words

I know I’ve been a drag lately. Illness does that to me. I’d do a whole post of sobs if I could: Waaah! I’m coughing up a lung! Waaah! My colon’s trying to turn itself inside out!

To make it up to you, I thought up a fun quiz. Below, you’ll find the last words of works which are considered classics of their genre. Read the words, guess the author. Answers in the Comments.

No prizes for this one; you cultcha geniuses will have to be content with the newly reaffirmed knowledge of your intellectual superiority. Mensa will be contacting you posthaste.

Oh, one complication: in cases where a name would give away the answer, I have substituted a different name. Ain’t I a son of a bitch?


Thursday Thirteen: yet another medical quiz

Because it’s late.

Because I’m exhausted.

Because, short of a Cosmo Thirteen (next week! I promise!), these quizi are probably the most popular thirteens I do.


Thirteen bits of medical slang: a quiz

It’s bound to happen. Someone will drift in here from my medical website and assume that I embody all the nastiness contained below, not stopping to realize that I didn’t invent this jargon. With a few exceptions, I don’t even use this jargon.

What do I mean by medical jargon? Not CHF or ASD or IVDA — that stuff is boring. No, I mean the good stuff. Here’s an example from Wikipedia:

Throckmorton sign (USA), also known as the John Thomas sign (UK) – n. used to describe a penis that is visible on xray; tradition dictates that the side that the penis points to will have an abnormal finding.

But what will I do about the folks who breeze in from, unfamiliar with my sense of humor? I know what to do. I’ll confuse them with a flickr photo of a naughty nurse. From Queenie VonSugarPants’ photostream (love the name, Queenie):


The Too Much Information Quiz

Regular readers know: I like to pretend that I have no shame. But is that really true? Surely there are some things even I wouldn’t do. I’ve never given you the full monty, for example, and never will. If it were something to write home about, I might reconsider. But until those “Why Be An Average Guy Any Longer?” pills kick in, you’ll have to live in ignorance.

So I thought: why not devise a test to see whether I lack all shame? and why not share it with my readers? and why not have some fun with it, too?

Here we go. Excuse all the male pronouns, but tonight I have no patience for the he/she business; substitute appropriate pronouns for yourself.
