
I never thought it would be so pleasurable to give stuff away.

It’s not the satisfaction one feels from donating to a favorite charity. It’s the exquisite lightness of not having so much crap. Here’s how my day went:

I woke up a little after 6 and went out to the telephone pole to nail up my “FREE” signs. My last two “FREE” signs disappeared on Monday, thanks no doubt to some neighborhood busybody’s fear that free stuff might attract the wrong element. This time around, I hauled out the ladder and nailed my signs as high as I could. So far, my strategy has worked brilliantly.


A Flickr back for Dean

This one’s for Dean, who really loves his backs. (Not safe for work, most of those.)

From wuya02’s photostream.


The crazy quilt

. . . which I referred to in this morning’s post.

Better photos below the fold.



My last OR day is 7/30. My last day in this office is 8/15. My first day in Santa Rosa is 9/2.

I get annoyed when patients assume I’m retiring. Either (A) they think I’m old enough to retire, or (B) they think I’m rich enough to retire. Neither is true, although (B) would be nice. Sadly, I chose the wrong field for early retirement. I wish I had been one of those lucky sods who hit it big during the internet boom, one of the ones who got out at the right time. If I had, I wonder what I would be doing with my riches and leisure time right now? Because I’m a working boy, after all; no Long Island Ice Tea on the 40-foot sloop for me.

So: what early retirement really means is the freedom to do the work I love and not have to worry about making a living. I suppose I could write part time, maybe keep up some sort of boutique medical practice on the side. I like medicine, but the 9 to 5 (or more often, 8 to 5 or worse) five-day-a-week grind is tiring.

I’ve often thought it would be fun and challenging to establish a medical consultancy practice catering to folks who feel that everyone else has given up on them. I wouldn’t be able to fix most of these people, but I could promise them that I would research their situation and come up with a plan of action that would have the best chance of producing results. I would run a cash operation and bill by the hour like a lawyer.

Yeah, that’s the dream. It’s sort of the opposite end of the spectrum from my present reality. Fact is, from medical school onward, a large fraction of my time has been devoted to indigent care. While I don’t mind this, at some point I have to step back and take a look at what it’s costing my family.

Even in this idealized practice, I could, of course, donate a portion of my practice to charity cases. Ten percent is the figure most often quoted as the amount necessary to facilitate an untroubled night’s sleep. I’m doing a LOT more than that at present.

Meanwhile, I’m doing the 8 to 5, and that’s not going to change any time soon. I’m afraid 8/15 can’t come fast enough, though. (Sorry, patients!) The steady rain of guilt has turned into a torrent. The guilt has matured, in fact. Used to be, I felt guilty for leaving my patients. Now I’m burnt out, guilt-fatigued, unable to feel much genuine guilt when patients insist, “Noooooooo, you caaaaaan’t leeeeeave!” And that makes me feel guilty in a different way, since I don’t seem to be capable of acknowledging their feelings with any true empathy. My honest reaction is, “Yeah, yeah, life’s a bitch. Next!”

Isn’t that awful? And yesterday, the daughter of one of my patients brought in a “crazy quilt” she made to thank me for the care I’d given her mom. It took her six months to make this. Six months. She started it even before she heard I was leaving, and she didn’t stop it when she did find out.

Nope, no guilt. No no no.



No, the idea isn’t original. Check out these guys, for example. Or this post.

Still, no one quite has my sensibilities when it comes to pets . . . or humor. Not that I’m at the top of my form tonight, but what the hell. Here goes.

Tonight’s LOLFERRETS is dedicated to Bueller’s obsession with footwear.

What do they find so fascinating about shoes? Stinkier the better, it seems. Perhaps . . .

Between cases today, I filmed the OR gals who have made my professional life bearable these last ten years. Once I cobble together a video, you (and they) will be the first to know.

It’s gonna be special.


I am such an asshole

I went through the office yesterday snapping photos. My employer in Santa Rosa might want to purchase some of my gear; what he doesn’t want, I’ll sell at an office “yard sale.” Anyway, while snapping photos, I held the camera up over the divider for Catrina’s space and said, “HEY, CATRINA!”


, July 15, 2008. Category: Pix.

Reading contracts tonight

. . . so, pity us.

Or not. Check out Wikipedia’s big list of unusual articles . . . stuff you really won’t find in a print encyclopedia.



Taylor Mead’s Ass (1965) is a film by Andy Warhol featuring Taylor Mead, consisting entirely of a shot of Mead’s buttocks, and filmed at The Factory. Warhol came up with the idea for the film after reading a review in The Village Voice which said of his previous film Tarzan and Jane Regained… Sort of, that “… people don’t want to see an hour and a half of Taylor Mead’s ass”.

Of course, you knew I had to google her ass. And, damn it, Taylor Mead’s a guy.


P.S.: and when you’re done with Wikipedia’s list of unusual articles, check out LOLCat Bible Translation Project.

20 An Ceiling Cat sayed, waterz bring me phishes, An burds, so kittehs can eat dem. But Ceiling Cat no eated dem.21 An Ceiling Cat maed big fishies An see monstrs, which wuz like big cows, except they no mood, An other stuffs dat mooves, An Ceiling Cat sawed iz good.22 An Ceiling Cat sed O hai, make bebehs kthx. An dont worry i wont watch u secksy, i not that kynd uf kitteh.23 An so teh…fith day. Ceiling Cat taek a wile 2 cawnt.

Our very own Ceiling Cat.


We saw Hellboy in the theater back in 2004 — pre-blog, so I’ve never reviewed it here. Good movie. While I never felt that Hellboy or his pals were in any real danger, I still cared for them; in particular, the romance between Hellboy and Liz (Selma Blair) engaged me. Hellboy had so many things to make it special: Selma Blair, looking all smoky and goth; Ron Perlman, always a strong stage presence; John Hurt (guess how old he is. No, guess); Nazis awakening Cthulhu; Selma Blair; and Selma Blair. Selma Blair was really good in it, too.

It’s one of those movies we watch over and over again on cable; you know, a film that gets damn near everything right. So of course we were looking forward to Hellboy II: The Golden Army.


My life among the nickle-and-dimers

The good: we made $480 at today’s garage sale. That’s not counting the $230 I made selling our various doors.

The bad: the big stuff didn’t sell. And by “big,” I mean “heavy,” not necessarily “expensive.” In particular, I wanted to unload our junky furniture the sight of which is a pox upon my eyes. As an example, we have an old desk whose current role seems to be cat bed, and that thing weighs a ton. And we have a lot of dirty old aquaria that I’ve been dying to sell.

Okay, here’s the experiment. I’m going to put out one aquarium with a “FREE” sign on it, and we’ll see how fast it disappears. If that works, maybe I’ll do it with a few more.

The ugly: a family came by with all their little kids in tow. Cute kids. We were nice to them, sold them stuff for next to nothing, and I gave away a few things, too. The dad kept trying to bargain us down on little stuff. You know how it goes —

Him: How much do you want for this?
Me: Five dollars.
Him: I’ll give you two.
Me: Make it three.
Him: Two-fifty.
Me: How about THREE.

Second or third time at this, his wife (who appreciates what we’ve given away to her kids) says to him, “Hey, these are nice people! No need to get all Jewish with them.”

Um, as a Jew, I can generally sniff out fellow Jews. These folks weren’t.

It’s sort of like the N word. Black people get to use it, the rest of us don’t. I’m allowed to kid a fellow Jew about being a cheapskate or a hard haggler — though I never would, because it’s an inaccurate and not very funny stereotype — but the rest of y’all back off.

When she left, she thanked us again and gave us a parting “God bless!”

“Blessed be!” I should have said. “May the Goddess shine upon thee!”

I never think of these things until it’s too late.

Live blogging later, maybe eight? I’ll stick around for a while and see who shows up. Hope y’all are having a great weekend. I’m tired and sunburned, but otherwise life is peachy.


Friday Flickr Babe: if you’re going to do it, do it with gusto

As a teenager my brother, bless his heart, used to say that when you saw a woman in her bikini, you were seeing her at her very best*. This made no sense to me. Surely a naked woman made the better eye-feast than the bikini-clad woman? But, no, he was insistent.

I have since seen women with and without their bikinis on, and I can say with absolute certainty that he was wrong, or at the very least, he and I will never agree on this one.
