I am such an asshole

I went through the office yesterday snapping photos. My employer in Santa Rosa might want to purchase some of my gear; what he doesn’t want, I’ll sell at an office “yard sale.” Anyway, while snapping photos, I held the camera up over the divider for Catrina’s space and said, “HEY, CATRINA!”


Ooh, it’s an action shot. Look at the motion blur on her right hand!

We filmed some video today, too. It’s part of my big project, sort of a going away present to myself and all my co-workers and colleagues. It’s gonna be a blast, you just wait and see.

Here’s our frog tank:

We commissioned it back in ’99. Quite the extravagance for a relatively poor office. We had a local carpenter make the cabinet and canopy out of black walnut, and we had Capital Aquarium in Sacramento make us an aquarium with extra-thick glass and holes in the base. In the lower cabinet, we have a 10-gallon aquarium which serves as a reservoir. A pump in the reservoir pumps water up into the tank, where we have a little waterfall. The water drains into the substrate, then down the drainage hole and back into the reservoir. Fancy shmancy.

We have three species of poison dart frogs in the tank. It’s quite an attraction for kids and adults. Several people have already asked (hopefully!), “What are you gonna do with the frog tank?” As if I would sell this!

Some people.



  1. Dean says:

    You’re lucky Catrina wasn’t involved in some private activity.

  2. CornDog says:

    Love the frog tank. I get the feeling Catrina is going to miss the heck outta of you.

  3. dcr says:

    After that, Catrina is now counting down the days until you’re gone. 😉