Weekend update

Twenty-plus phone calls later, we’ve seen two rentals today. TWO. Fortunately, they’re both acceptable (they have AC and they take cats). The place in Windsor is pricier and has a longer commute time; the place in Rohnert Park is less expensive but it’s a two story. Maybe we’ll find something tomorrow which has it all, but for the time being, I think it’s gonna be Rohnert Park.

We had an exhausting day, though. Lots of driving around and some walking. Right now we’re resting up in the Holiday Inn Express and maybe later we’ll get some dinner.

Nothing on the news right now but John Edwards and his affair. Why the big deal? I figure this is between John, Elizabeth, and The Other Woman. And The Other Woman’s kid, too, if indeed he’s John’s kid. I’m not saying the media should avoid this story, but it’s wrong to obsess about it, too. Not like the guy is a presidential candidate any more.

Check out Elizabeth Edwards’s post on this topic over at Daily Kos. John told her about this back in ’06 when it happened, so for the Edwards family, this is not news. So what we have here is a feeding frenzy, nothing more. Again, if Edwards were still a candidate, you could argue for relevance — which is why I’m sure we’ll soon see more coverage of John McCain’s creepy personal life, you know, the fact that he dumped his first wife because she’d been in a car accident and wasn’t attractive anymore, but before he dumped Wife #1 he cheated on her with soon-to-be Wife #2.


Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks says it well:

So, I want every pundit who condemns John Edwards today to tell me what the difference between him and McCain is and why John McCain shouldn’t also be run out of politics for his adulterous affairs and what he did to his first wife.




  1. dcr says:

    “…tell me what the difference between him and McCain is…”

    Okay, so adulterous affairs, that’s one strike each for McCain and Edwards.

    Oh, Edwards is also a lawyer. Two strikes for him.

  2. Dwight Wannabe says:

    You’re asserting between-the-lines that McCain had an affair.

    From all accounts, including the account told by McCain’s ex wife, at least he had the temerity to dump the broken ex first.

    I understand there isn’t a lot of red meat vulnerabilty in McCain’s character for you to latch onto D, but your fixation with “the worst possible explanation” for the failure of McCain’s first marriage is pretty thin.

    The ex wife is okay with it. She’s still friends. She’s not bitter. The aggreived party aint really all that aggreived.

    In the story you linked to, the pissed off people were all anonymous friends of the first wife.

    The dude was incommunicado from barely-married Wife One for six years. His head was messed up from five years of torture. He comes home. The love connection isnt there anymore. There are lots of reasons the marriage was marked for failure. Fixating on Wife One’s deformity is a specious leap of logic (and perhaps a bit of transference).

    As far as Edwards, he holds no office and is not presently a candidate for public office. His affair shouldn’t be a story for public consumption. Rather that the media should focus on the fact that the homeless population is receding under Bush, and the TOTAL homeless population is HALF of the number of supposed veterans Edwards insisted were sleeping under bridges.

    Hate Edwards because he’s a rectally-derriving factoid, class warfare spewing, hypocritically rich tool. Don’t hate him because he’s human.

  3. Walnut says:

    The ex wife depends upon McCain for continued health care coverage. ‘Nuff said. And he has admitted to “affairs”, plural. Pattern of behavior. I would run through all of the examples of McCain’s misogyny, too, but others have done the work for me, and besides, I don’t want to waste my breath.

    As for “transference,” love how you attack the messenger, Dwight. Do us both a favor and hang with your fellow wingnuts from now on. You’re not welcome here.

  4. Dwight Wannabe says:

    Okey dokey.

  5. Connie says:

    Moonbatter tastes so much better when it stays protected by the fresh protective packaging of Kos and Air America.

    It tastes kind of bitter when exposed to influences beyond the hate chamber.

    Very enlightened debate there, Balls and Walnut guy.