Santa Rosa bound

Yes, yes, I know you know that. Just wanted to say we’ll be driving down tomorrow evening in order to have two full days in Santa Rosa. We need to do some stuff at the office, meet with a counselor at one of the public schools, and Job Number One find a home to rent.

This last bit has been the most stressful. Half the listings on Craigslist are rented by the time we call. I wonder if all Craigslist postings are like that? For example, someone (not ME, of course) might call this young lady,

What can I say? I am divorced and single and I really miss having a man around. And not just to open jars and reach things on the top shelf. I miss making out like teenagers and teasing each other and especially I miss a big, hard [hey! This blog is strictly R-rated. Enough of that]

only to hear, “Oh, sorry, sorry! Is that old ad still up? Well, gee, guess what, I’m married again! How embarrassing. But — and this question is strictly professional — how’s it hangin’, guy? Able to reach that top shelf without hands, if you know what I mean? Because, just between you and me, this new man in my life can’t crack my jam jar . . . ”

Anyway. I don’t know if I’ll get a chance to write tomorrow. Probably not.

Wish me luck on the house hunt?



  1. Oy. By all means, good luck; we went through this not all that long ago (at least, it doesn’t *feel* like that long ago), and it sucked…

  2. Pat J says:

    Best of luck finding a good home.

  3. Dwight Wannabe says:

    Moving without a solid lead on a homestead? That would be crazy stressful.

    Good luck.

  4. Dean says:

    May all your houses be roachless. May their rents be reasonable, their lawns free of crabgrass, their garbage pickup prompt, their insulation sound, and their immediate neighbors populated with comely women inclined to back-yard nudity.

    And may their neighborhoods be free from Republican Youth.

  5. dcr says:

    May all your houses be roachless. May their rents be reasonable, their lawns free of crabgrass, their garbage pickup prompt, their insulation sound, and their immediate neighbors populated with comely women inclined to back-yard nudity.

    And may their neighborhoods be free from Republican Youth.

    Other than the naked women, it sounds as though you’re describing a Republican neighborhood. 😉

  6. Stamper in CA says:

    Good luck; I hope you find something good.
    What about reputable real estate agents? Can’t they also point you in the right direction for rentals?
    Good luck with the school too.