Why it’s a good idea to clean the office once per decade

Look what I found! Is this a great photo, or what?

The date on this is December, 2000. Jake is five years old, and we’re at the Newport Aquarium (Newport, Oregon — a terrific aquarium, by the way). Note Wild Things tee-shirt and cute kid.

Sorry it’s crooked. I’m feeling too tired and lazy to futz with cropping.



  1. Stamper in CA says:

    That IS a great photo. It’s one of those photos scrapbookers devote a whole page to with doo dads and materials that cost more than the roll of film.

  2. lol
    we must be brothers
    i had one of them hanging from my rearview mirror in my truck for years

  3. KGK says:

    Cleaning out the office – in my last job after about four months, I decided to clean out the office and move stuff around the way I liked it. I took a dusty cardboard box off the top of a bookcase. On it was written “Do not touch” with the name of the person who had occupied that office four plus years before. So I open it. Inside – cases of live ammunition. Not what I expected and definitely not what I wanted in my office. The Marines took the box.

    My current office has an heirloom photo of Lev Tolstoy. I asked my predecessor about it (he was in the office for more than 20 years) and he said it was there when he came. Given its lengthy tenure, I’m keeping it – albeit on top of the bookcase…