¿Quién es Más Macho?

You decide.

Senator Barack Obama and General David Petraeus discuss the conditions under which he might be allowed to serve an Obama administration.
The Hug

Not that I mind some good ol’ patriotic man-love.



  1. Hmmm. That’s a toughie.

    The guy who suffered torture for five years even after he had the chance for freedom because he wouldn’t leave his subordinates…

    …or the guy who complained about the price of arugula at Whole Foods?


    I can’t decide. DAMMIT! That IS a tough one.

  2. Walnut says:

    Oh, it is tough! I mean, you could choose the guy who has been happily married to one woman for fifteen years, or the guy who dumped the woman who stuck by him while he was a POW, because when he returned home, he discovered she wasn’t the beauty he had remembered.

    Yeah, that McCain, what a stand-up guy. Tough choice indeed.

  3. Carrie Lofty says:

    With those shades, Obama looks like a darker, skinnier Terminator.

  4. Walnut says:

    As far as McCain is concerned, Obama might as well be 🙂

  5. Microsoar says:

    Obama as terminator? Or maybe superhero:
    see the T shirt here

  6. Erin O'Brien says:

    Did they make out after the hug?

    off-topic: sentcha’ an email … not sure if the addy was still active …


  7. Walnut says:

    Microsoar: it’s great!

    Erin: I’ll be checking emails this evening. As for the make out session . . . I have photo evidence that this was the make out session.

  8. CornDog says:

    I don’t know. I really don’t want to look there but I swear it looks like GWB has a bit of a woody. Yah, and there’s nothing wrong with that…nothing at all…really.

    As far, as the Obama pic. I didn’t know it was him. I thought it was some dude sitting in a cockpit with a gopher needing an eyebrow trim.

    Both pictures get a strong two thumbs down from the vision impaired chick.

  9. Ah. God love liberal circular logic.

    When confronted with the error of your thesis, resort to:

    “Oh yeah, well what about the time YOUR guy did __________?”

    When confronted with the error of that thesis as well, just keep repeating until you arrive back where you started.

    My dictionary gives two different definitions for “machismo” and “fidelity.”

  10. Oh, and if I helps sway your vote, I can photoshop a tree in place of Dubya.