We listed our house today

It’s easy, and I mean easy, to find something on the local market which is crappier and more expensive. Such places don’t move. They sit there for months, even years. Our house sat on the market for three or four years before the previous owner dropped the price into a reasonable range — and then she dropped it too much. Lucky us!

We should have left the place alone, not put any money into remodeling. Then we’d have made a killing. As it stands, we should do okay (assuming our agent is right about the list price), but no one’s talking about early retirement.

I would post a link to the listing, but (A) our agent isn’t THAT fast on her feet, and (B) that probably is a little bit too much information. I have enemies, after all:

The italicized bits are from a comment I left on Daily Kos the other day. The non-italicized bits come from some asshat who has nothing better to do but send hate mail.

obsession of some of my fellow American Jews with Israel.

I am hoping that you are just another Daily Kos Neo-Nazi parading as a Jew, because if you really are Jewish then your parents did a miserable job of educating you.

I don’t share it. But I suspect some of the older folks regard Israel as an insurance policy.

One can only hope that as this growing anti-Semitism takes place that when the latest generation of Brown Shirts comes knocking you will not be surprised when they haul you off to the gas chambers or just hang you. Clearly you are too much of a coward to stand up and fight.

the uncomfortable details of Israel’s politics.

Obviously you get all your information from this looney-tunes website and not from credible information sources.

One more thing. You should understand that by posting who you are and where you work you may offend someone so much who lives in that area that they will do what ever it takes to cost you your business. The only moron here is you.

My original comment wasn’t even inflammatory. I was speculating why some American Jews are so blinkered when it comes to the subject of America’s policies toward Israel. Really nothing in the comment (from MY point of view) to inspire such animosity. But there you have it . . . say anything which diverges from the party line, and you’re a target.

But I did learn a couple of things. (A) Ignore the Daily Kos diaries on Israel. Ain’t worth it. And, (B) Don’t let ’em know where you live. There are a lot of crazy-assed mofos in the world and this guy is one of them. It’s not the brown shirts coming to my door that scare me . . . it’s my coreligionists.



  1. It’s not the brown shirts coming to my door that scare me . . . it’s my coreligionists.

    One word: Judendienstordnung.

    The first term that came to mind was actually kapo, but that wasn’t quite right. is much more apropos.

  2. I can haz clozed tagz?


  3. Walnut says:

    yeah, ‘cept this dude thinks I’M the kapo.

    It’s all very confused, no?

  4. Lyvvie says:

    What do you expect when you mix the two subjects one shouldn’t discuss with mixed company: Politics and Religion. I mean really Doug, I have to agree with the asshat that you weren’t educated properly. *tongue firmly in cheek*

  5. Dean says:

    I don’t think you need to worry. People like this run their mouths on the internet all the time. It’s easy to be tough behind a keyboard.

  6. Walnut says:

    Lyvvie: talk politics on a political blog? ME? Naaaah.

    Dean, yeah, and it ain’t the first time. Still, it pissed me off.

    Lyvvie: my home is much nicer 🙂

  7. It’s all very confused, no?

    No. Authoritarian thugs are authoritarian thugs.

    (Sorry… Generally cranky this AM – no good reason.)

  8. Stamper in CA says:

    We did the same thing to our house in West Covina…put too much money into it and never got back anything except aggravation.
    I agree with Dean; it’s easy to be a “big man” behind the keyboard.

  9. walnut is the kapo worse night mare lol

  10. Walnut says:

    thanks, folks 😉