The six bits meme

From Tam:

Link to the person that tagged you (done)
Post the rules on your blog (here you go)
Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself (coming right up)
Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website
(yeah, Tam has the right idea crossing these out)

Six Non-Important Things

1. Even though it’s published on the Fox News website, I can believe the story about the  11-year-old British kid repeatedly diagnosed with hearing loss for the last nine years, who regained his hearing “miraculously” when the cotton ball fell out. Another casualty of the evil Q-tip! Or, really, a casualty of sloppy doctoring.

Some time ago, I met a young girl who had had unilateral, foul-smelling nasal drainage for the past seven years. Doctor after doctor treated her with antibiotics, easily dozens of courses, and no one bothered to look into her nose — or if anyone did, he didn’t have eyes to see.

It was a black-eyed pea. We removed it. Problem solved.

Oh, sorry — this was supposed to be a list of unimportant things.

2. I bite my fingernails. There. Happy now?

3. A moment ago, my son thought he had invented the word “bitchiness.” Karen and I had to break the news to him — no, it’s an old word. But I was quick to point out that one could come up with a nearly unlimited collection of appropriate neologisms limited only by our imaginations: Bitchocracy. Bitchitude. Bitchtacular.


4. Shortly after Lyvvie‘s recent comment, I bought Forbidden Lego, a book with lots of nifty Lego projects you’ll never find in your local department store. (Most of ’em shoot stuff across the room.) Now I’m a man with a mission: to gather up and sort all of Jake’s Legos. All of Jake’s ten million Legos. Sure, that’s an exaggeration, but not by much.

You know what? I’m enjoying myself. When I’m too tired to do anything else, I scoop up a quart of Legos and sort away.

5.  As much as I hate political hyperbole, I’m fine with all this hype about Obama being the next JFK. I don’t believe it. I doubt Obama believes it. But if the meme gathers momentum, and if Obama becomes our next President, he might feel he needs to live up to the American people’s expectations.

I like the idea of a President who’s thinking LEGACY from day one.

6. My slippers stink. I don’t understand this, since none of my shoes stink, my socks smell just dandy, you could eat off my feet.

I think the ferrets must be pooping in my slippers.


No tags, folks. If you’ve done this meme recently (and I know a lot of you have!) leave me a note in the comments.
