Syntax is everything

From my inbox:

Super Tuesday Gathering for

Democrats & Independents

Tuesday, Feb. 5th 6 pm

Rainbow Rock Condos

So far so good. I like the local Democratic crowd. Not sure about those Independents, though; how can you trust folks who, after seven years of Bush, still haven’t made up their minds?

Hosted by: Anne & Jim

Eat and meet other local folks!

If you want, please bring a dish to share.

See what I mean about Independents? They’re a bunch of cannibalistic polygamists.

Oh, and I asked already: Karen may be a dish, but she ain’t keen on being shared.


Here’s a girl who knows what she wants.


Assuming there’s any truth to this one — and that’s a HUGE assumption — the girl is infertile, perhaps because of pelvic inflammatory disease. Have you ever seen the odds for conception for a healthy teenage girl? Three hundred hops and no baby, that’s a lot more than bad luck.

But oh, there’s so much to love in this one. The trashy mama. The daughter who has no cervical vertebrae and apparently thinks prostitution and baby-selling are legal in the States. And then there’s Maury Povich, who’s probably calculating his chances.




  1. shaina says:

    oh. my. gawd. i could not even watch that whole video. that poor girl. there is something wrong with her–the way she talks for one thing! ugh. and poor mama. oy.

  2. Walnut says:

    Just realized . . . I think this Maury Povich episode must have been the inspiration for this South Park episode.

    Must be a pretty popular YouTube video!

  3. dcr says:

    When people ask for a dish to share, have you ever considered showing up with an empty one? They didn’t ask for food; they asked for a dish. I sure don’t want to share a dish with a bunch of other people, but if they want to share it, live and let live, eh?

    I should do that if I were ever to be invited to something. Maybe that’s why I don’t get invited to things? And, I don’t do parties of my own because they just turn out to be mini-disasters and I never hear from the people again.

  4. Lyvvie says:

    I read it as “Rainbow Cock Condo” which made it even funnier as I read along to the swapping.

    The daughter speaks very different from the mother, oh so staged. But if this was Animal Kingdom, we’d easily see that the daughter was challenging the mother for Alpha position. The mom is a simpering puddle of denial. I thought Maury got canceled…

  5. Erin O'Brien says:

    Can I have some whipped cream on my Independent? And do I get to choose boy or girl?