Tiny world

This last Thursday’s Thirteen introduced me to the world of Lego Vignettes, or vigs for short. Vigs are scenes built from Legos, typically on a small base. I presume the size constraint provides one of the main challenges.

The VignetteBricks blog features vigs from different creators and also provides an extensive links list. From that list, I found this disturbing vig from the Brickshelf Gallery:

My mother is always reminding me how artistic I am, just because I did well in high school and college art classes. (Yes, that’s what moms are for.) I suppose I could exercise my talents here; after all, my son has about a billion Lego bricks scattered about the house, and a google search for “erotic Lego vig” failed to reveal any vig-artistes with my unique set of interests.

Live-blogging tonight, and I’m going to shoot for 7 PM PST. Also, if I get a chance, I’ll review Chapter 2 of the Idiot’s Guide to Getting Girls — and this chapter truly is for idiots. Stay tuned.



  1. Lyvvie says:

    Recently found a site that shows you how to store you lego in a very organised manner, but the links at the bottom of the article are fabulous.


  2. […] 4. Shortly after Lyvvie’s recent comment, I bought Forbidden Lego, a book with lots of nifty Lego projects you’ll never find in your local department store. (Most of ‘em shoot stuff across the room.) Now I’m a man with a mission: to gather up and sort all of Jake’s Legos. All of Jake’s ten million Legos. Sure, that’s an exaggeration, but not by much. […]