I did it!

Yes indeed, I didn’t miss a single day for the month of November.

(Not an accomplishment, you say? Sssshhhhhhh! The NaBloPoMo judges don’t know that.)

The disembodied cat head reminds me of the wife in this story. She’s a patient of mine, you see, and in the old days she used to come to my office wearing, pinned to her sweater, a ferret head. Or perhaps a cat head, but a very small, very ugly cat head. It was all any of us could do to keep from pissing ourselves with laughter. To whomever convinced her to deep-six the ferret-head brooch: thank you.

Still to come: today’s Friday Flickr babe.



  1. dcr says:

    I did it too, though I didn’t sign up for NaBloPoMo. As I mentioned in one of my blog posts, I didn’t think I’d make it through November, and consequently never signed up for NaBloPoMo. But, I did secretly hope to manage a post everyday, even though I didn’t officially make it known.

    Maybe next year I can make it official.

  2. Kris Starr says:

    Hey Doug —
    Just letting you know I actually put together a Thirteen yesterday (W00T!) AND not only that, I’m posting a FREE online read (a chapter a week for four weeks) on the blog. First one starts December 1st (well, okay, it’s already up. I had to make sure I still had L33T HTML skillz…)

    /pimping of self