Friday Flickr babes: the fine nurses of the intertubes

I keep trying to convince the nurses of St. Mammon’s (my hospital; not necessarily its real name) to put together a “Nurses of St. Mammon’s Calendar,” but they act like I’m kidding. Come on, y’all. I’ll bankroll it! I’ll even help take the pictures! Proceeds will go to my favorite charity, The Ear, Nose, and Throat Early Retirement Foundation.

Let’s see if I can find any likely candidates at Flickr.

First up: a woman who needs to be told the PMI* is on the left.

I’ll forgive her if she gives me that sponge bath, but I’m still not letting her near my IV.

Two pages of nursing mothers later, I found these two lovely Interplast nurses:

Next, we have Bianca:

Eh, not my type. But we’re trying to sell calendars, remember?

The caption for this next one reads, “You don’t get that on the NHS [National Health Service].” Indeed. But therein lies the solution to the shortage of doctors in underserved areas.

Are those your scrub ties, or are you just glad to see me so I can treat your Narrow Variant Priapism?

Next one is called “Nurse Whitney and Dr. Jones.”

We meet again, Dr. Jones.

As for this next one . . . “Nurse! I’m ready for my bowel prep!”

I still have thirty days left as Chief of Staff. Do you suppose Nursing Administration would let me declare some changes in the dress code?


*PMI: point of maximal impulse, the spot on the chest wall where the heart’s motion is most readily palpated. If you’re deaf like me, it’s the only place where you can hear heart sounds with a stethoscope.


  1. Corndog says:

    Only 30 days left!!!! You made it

  2. Dean says:

    Whew, lookit the tats on the one in the last pic. Holy smoke.

  3. Stamper in CA says:

    About the last picture? I rest my case on the fact that guys don’t look at faces.

  4. Walnut says:

    thanks, CD 😉

    Dean: yeah, you would need to wear sunglasses to bed!

    Sis: none of them is a raving beauty, but I like the way they look. As we used to say in the old days . . . wicked!

  5. Colin says:

    I was just googling around and err… that Whitney and Dr Jones picture, Dr Jones is me (Colin Jones)… :p