Richard Avedon, I’m not

Dean has posted more photos of the b’stila. I love this guy cuz he makes my food look AMAZING.

Speaking of photography: of the 41 shots I took on this vacation, perhaps six are keepers. What is my problem? Why do I have such a fascination with the backs of people’s heads?

In the days to come, I’ll subject you to a few of the nicer photos. Let’s start with Jake at the Vancouver Aquarium:

Now, if you’re one of those people who don’t give a damn about other people’s kids, you can appreciate the crisp blue sky, the feathery clouds, and the funky Pacific Northwest First American sculpture. But if you can indulge a proud papa, follow me below the fold . . .

Ah, there we go.

We had a long day traveling. It’s late, I’m tired, and if y’all have waited this long, you can wait a bit longer. See you tomorrow.



  1. fiveandfour says:

    I have a picture of my daughter in that very same spot, though ours was taken on New Year’s Day so the weather was not *quite* the same. I really liked that Aquarium – the otters and the beluga whales were a favorite with my group.

  2. Dean says:

    Speaking of photography: of the 41 shots I took on this vacation, perhaps six are keepers

    Well, there’s your problem right there (imagine me standing, hands on hips, hat tipped back on my head, can of Stroh’s nearby, looking down as if into an engine bay).

    You need to take more photos. Don’t take one of something, take 10. Or 20. If I were gone for a week, I’d probably have four or five hundred photos. Most would be crap. Some wouldn’t.

    Annoy your family. Keep taking photos of them. Eventually they get used to it and may even start to enjoy it.

    That’s it, really. No secret. If you took 10 times as many, you’d have 60 keepers instead of 6. Although I will say that as I took more photos, I got better, and my percentage of keepers got higher.

  3. sxKitten says:

    A minor quibble: we’re the Pacific SOUTHwest, north of the 49th.

    Dean’s right about the photos. I’m not one tenth the photographer he is, but the more I shoot, the more keepers I get. And it doesn’t cost you anything to make mistakes with a digital.

  4. Walnut says:

    Thanks, you two! And sxK, you just gave me one more item for my Thursday Thirteen 🙂

  5. The photos my mom took in the 1960s are hysterical. Either people are missing half their heads or the entire left or right side of their bodies. (Plus, she wrote cute captions for everything.)