I’m back. I know it in my bones.

And that’s the other thing. I can’t even think like a photographer. Who’s going to want to look at blurry birds? Not me.

First day back at work, I spent seven hours in the OR, two in the office (catching up on charts), and three in the Committee Meeting From Hell. I made it back from the hospital at 9:30 PM. Teh Sux0r indeed.

Back to the nature photograph. I shot this with a camera that had a lens and shit, and you know, there was lighting, too. Natural lighting. And there were these birds, the famous Yellow Finch of the North and the Red Pseudo-Finch of the Northwest, known for their mellifluous song and their ability to out-compete Bald Eagles for sunflower seeds . . .

I truly suck at this.

Fact: those birds hang out on the deck outside sxKitten‘s parents’ cabin.

Fact: said cabin is truly one of the most peaceful places on Earth. I mean, check this out:

There’s a bay in the background. Trust me on that. A bay, a gentle breeze, wildflowers, skinny-dippers, a fat orange cat who likes to kill sparrows, a pair of Bald Eagles, and plenty of wine in the fridge.

Right now, bone tired and itching (literally) for a hot shower, careworn over the work-grief I know awaits me in the days ahead, all I’m sure of is one thing:

I never should have left that cabin. SxKitten’s parents could keep me around as chief cook and bottle-washer. Waddya say, SxK?



  1. Corn Dog says:

    That’s a cabin? That’s some “cabin.” I want it. I want it.

  2. Dean says:

    It hit about 90 there yesterday, so you got back home at a good time. Although it would have been warm enough to swim.

    Yes, it is a deeply restful place.

  3. Bix says:

    Oh. My. God. That took me away. Just seeing it. Thank you.

  4. Walnut says:

    Bix! You’ve delurked at last!

    Dean, you forget — I swim like a lead weight. Wading would be nice, though 🙂

    CD, yes, it was a BIG “cabin”. Four bedrooms and a loft, I think?

  5. sxKitten says:

    I should probably explain at this point that what we West Coasters call a cabin would be a cottage anywhere else in North America. I do not know why this is so, but it is.

    I’m glad you enjoyed it, Doug. It’s just about my favourite place on earth (my absolute favourite place is anywhere with Dean, and sometimes, the most excellent times, those places are one and the same). You’re welcome back any time.

  6. […] Because I didn’t spend 6 hours cooking an amazing dinner, I had more time to spend shooting Doug’s little avian buddies. […]