And now, a health care advisory from Dr. Walnut

This Crystal Jelly Double Dong could be hazardous to your health.

(What? You want to know if the stuff below the cut is work safe?

Sure it is . . . assuming you work for Xandria.)

Yes, this is hazardous to your health. So says Greenpeace Netherlands, who has expanded their warning to include the Spectra Gel Anal Plug, and indeed, any sex toy which potentially contains toxic phthalates:

Phthalates are oil-derived plasticisers commonly used to soften PVC. Research centre TNO examined eight sex toys at Greenpeace’s behest, “including dildos, vibrators and butt plugs”. It discovered that seven of the items contained high levels of phthalates, including DEHP (di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate) which was last year permanently banned from kids’ toys in the EU because of a possible health risk to young children.

What’s the big deal about phthalates? According to The Register (linked above):

For the record, rodents exposed to high levels of phthalates have reportedly suffered damage to the liver, kidneys, lungs and developing testes. Exponents of phthalate use say the test levels were much higher than would occur as a result of everyday exposure to PVC.

The green lobby says even low levels pose a health risk. And so it goes round and round…We leave it to you to decide whether the undoubted delights of the PVC “Cyber Pussy” are outweighed by the potential risks.

Remember, people: folks used good, wholesome, pesticide-free produce long before PVCs and phthalates had ever been invented . . . and you can eat them afterwards, too.

Anyone wanna come over for some cucumber salad?

Hat tip to Blue Gal, who apparently has an interest in what I put up my rear.



  1. Blue Gal says:

    I’m speechless. Nah I just sent you that because nobody blogs butt plugs like you, Doug.

  2. Cap'n Dyke says:

    Bein’ our good doctor an’ all, if ye note any adverse affects from usin’ your toys, includin’ eatin’ ’em when ye be done with them, ye will let us know, eh?

  3. Gabriele says:

    I thought the thing to use was ginger.

  4. Dean says:

    All I have to say is that if you’re spending enough time with one of those things stuffed inside you that absorbing those pth-blah thingies becomes an issue, you’ve got bigger problems than potential liver damage.

  5. Darla says:

    Well, damn.

    *wanders off upstairs to empty out the “toybox”*

  6. kate r says:


    Well, the damn thing ran out of batteries anyway.

  7. Kris Starr says:

    So, like how much exposure is considered dangerous, exactly?

    Are we talking daily usage? Hourly? Does it mean ‘don’t even touch the thing or you’ll risk various body parts falling off’? I mean, really.

    Oh, and Doug — cucumbers are all fine and dandy, but they don’t vibrate. 😉

  8. Lyvvie says:

    Thanks for that Doug. I prefer to get my liver damage the old fashioned way; with liquor. I shall also look upon cucumbers with a certain amount of fear and distrust from now on.

  9. Walnut says:

    Getting slammed this AM, which is why I haven’t commented.

    That, and I keep trying to think of a fix for Kris’s vibrating vegetable problem.

  10. Kris Starr says:

    Doug, baby, if anyone can fix my vibrating vegetable problem, you can. 😉

    I either need more caffeine, or I should have stopped a cup or two ago…

  11. Renee says:

    While I can’t solve the vibrating vegetable problem, I can suggest going to Babeland, where they recommend other toys that are more body friendly. Alas, I cannot remember the term, nor can I go look, as such things are blocked from my at-work internet access.

  12. trish says:

    Yeah.. but what a way to go…! 😉

    *sigh*.. Oh well.. I can always buy a shower massage and name it Steve… wait.. I *already* have a shower massage!!

    Steve, baby.. let’s get the shower steamin’!

  13. KariBelle says:

    Make sure that cucumber is organic. Pesticides, if ya know what I mean?

  14. Suisan says:

    Yeah, definitely organic cucumbers. Must be consistent in our paranoias.

    I thought the PVC content was to soften the plastic. If silicone exposure causes immunodeficencies, and PVC is a no-no, then I propose that the entire sex industry simply give up their “flexible” products and concentrate on the ever-popular Pyrex line.

    Now, how to get that organic cucumber to vibrate? Carve a small tunnel for your pocket rocket motor. Knife skills *can* come in handy.

  15. At Xandria we share everyone’s concern about the materials contained in sex toys, and we have been moving to Silicone-based and phthalate-free materials for our toys. All of our new toys are silicone, elastomer (medical grade silicone) and definitely phthalate-free.

    Even though we are eliminating products which contain phthalates, we have never had any customer problems related to phthalates in any of our toys.

    Besides sex toys, there are many products made of plastics/vinyl which can contain some form of phthalates (even nail polish). The levels in these products are very low and do not pose a danger.

    If you would like more information on the use and risks of phthalates, we recommend you visit