Say moo

When I took out the trash a moment ago, I had a true City Boy moment. (What can I say — that’s what I am.)

There — there are cows! Across the street! And calves.

And they smell.

Of course, I had to take a picture.

One of the mama cows impressed Jake with her projectile diarrhea. What do they feed these beasts, anyway?

If you click on the photo, you can see the big version with the mama cows, too.

In other news, certain people at the hospital (you know who you are, you evil lurker you) insist I should be the Chief of Staff next year. As if being Vice Chief of Staff qualifies me for that role!

Vice Chief of Staff is easy. I’m all over Vice. Vice is in my blood. Aside from breaking up that cockfighting game in ICU and the racketeering operation over in Med-Surg, I’ve had little to do all year. But Chief of Staff — that’s a whole ‘nother animal.

I need PEOPLE SKILLS for that job. I can’t blurt out whatever’s on my mind just because I know I’ll get a laugh.

On the other hand, the prospect of absolute power is appealing.



  1. Lyvvie says:

    Number two was good enough for Riker…

    With absolute power comes absolute responsibility – which means when the cow poop hits the fan, it’s on your head. So much better to let the real captain deal with poop while you flirt and make rude jokes with ICU nurses.

    It’s all I’m saying *wink*

  2. Darla says:

    The cows remind me of the first time the sheep showed up in the green area behind our house. The kids and the dog spent hours watching them.

    Hey, I’m sure you’d make a great Chief of Staff. The question is, though, would it make you too busy to blog?

  3. tambo says:

    Cow’s smell?

    Are you sure? 😉

    (Actually, compared to pig shit, cow shit’s a bouquet of violets)

  4. Dean says:


    You need MAD PEOPLE SKILLZ. So people will PHEER you.

  5. Shelbi says:

    Amen Tam!! And if pig shit is bad, the concentrated shit of a half a million chickens is way worse!

    We have a lot of ‘mega-farms’ here in Missouri, which is a disgrace in and of itself, but the stench is ridiculous.

    The smell of cow shit brings back memories of my childhood, and is almost pleasant to me. Cows are my favorite hoofed [or is it hooved? There’s a scientific term, I’m sure, but I’m too lazy to look it up] animals. They even trump horses, because horses [secretly until now] scare the shit out of me [and then I stink, too.. eewwwwww].

    That picture is much like what I saw almost every morning out our front window when I lived with my parents.

    Good mem’ries, don’cha know?

  6. kate r says:

    so why would a blog-post about being vice chief of staff (and maybe lunging for that absolute power!) be sorted into the “critter foo” file??? Don’t hand me that cause of the cows excuse.

  7. Walnut says:

    Um, perhaps because I don’t have a “craving for absolute power” category?

  8. Voice from no one says:

    cows are disgusting.

  9. Evil Lurker says:

    Ha! I’ve been waiting for the perfect moniker!