Hospital life

As promised, here’s a photo of me unselfishly guinea-pigging myself for the greater good:

It’s a good thing I’m not a colorectal surgeon. I couldn’t show those photos. (Does that mean I have limits after all?)


‘Kay, so I got rid of the rest of this post because (A) I have a sneaking suspicion certain hospital folks lack a sense of humor (not you, Leann) and (B) making jokes about elderly, demented people is probably in poor taste. Even for me. Consequently, noxcat’s comment below no longer makes sense.

In any case, I’ve posted my 13, so you have plenty of other tasteless things to keep you occupied.



  1. crystal says:

    And if those confused patients in the red shoes get lost, they can always click their heels together and chant, “There’s no place like home!” 🙂

  2. noxcat says:

    red stilettos for high risk patients – bwahahaha…you will probably also hear them falling more often!!

    Seriously, if you wanted to hear them walking down the halls, put them in TAP SHOES! That way you’re less likely to have to fight with all the orthopedic surgeons over who has priority ove which patient!

  3. Dean says:

    Those two nurses are enjoying themselves just a little too much…

  4. […] Forcing down 2.5 liters was a bitch, however. It would have been easier to admit myself to the hospital and write my own orders: IV fluids, steroids, antibiotics, and a nice walloping dose of narcotics to suppress the cough. It would have been more fun — some of those ER nurses are damned cute. […]