Word of the week

From Wikipedia:

Disinhibition can mean:

  1. Loss of inhibition, as through the influence of external stimuli such as drugs or alcohol, or as a result of brain damage.
  2. Unrestrained behavior resulting from a lessening or loss of inhibitions or a disregard of cultural constraints.

Mel Gibson:

“Please know from my heart that I am not an anti-Semite. I am not a bigot. Hatred of any kind goes against my faith.”


Add to the list:


And to think I used to keep a poster of him (as the Road Warrior) on my wall during college. Mel, I thought you were cool. I was such a dumbass.



  1. trish says:

    Not a dumbass, hon. A lot of people get starshine in their eyes.. he fooled many. I’m so disappointed in him.

  2. Dean says:

    It’s not like the hints weren’t there, though. I didn’t see The Passion, but there were apparently hints about ‘blood libel’ in it. It was known that his father was a Holocaust denier. And that Gibson was a fanatical (not devout, fanatical) Catholic. I remember plenty of discussion about whether or not Gibson himself harboured anti-Jewish prejudices.

    It seems he does. Booze doesn’t make us liars, it makes us fools.

  3. Walnut says:

    Next thing that will come out, I predict: news of his infidelity. He’s been a real prude over the years, by Hollywood standards, but I liked him for that. Now I’m wondering if he’s a hypocrite/liar in that department, too.

  4. Sam says:

    He’s now tied with Tom Cruise for idiot actor of the year.

  5. Shelbi says:

    I’m disappointed in him, too. He’s been lauded as wonderful for being a vocal Christian in Hollywood, and now some of his true colors have come out and it makes me sick.

    I’ve never been able to understand anti-semitism or any form of discrimination. I can understand being afraid of or uncomfortable with a different culture, but hating that culture or the people makes no sense to me.

    I imagine he learned a lot of his view from his father, but by age 50, you’d think he would have done some of his own research and realized that his dad’s off his nut.

    If he just took his dad’s word as ‘gospel,’ he’s a nincompoop and an idiot, but if he came to those views on his own, he’s something more horrible than I have words to describe.

    I really hope his apology was sincere and that he seeks help for whatever issue lies at the root of his hate problem. I hope his eyes have been opened, and from here on out, he really works to change himself.

    As for you being a dumbass, Doug, not in this case 😉 The man is an actor, and a pretty good one, too. His mask fell off the other day and he shocked all of us [who don’t know him personally] with the ugliness of his true face. It’s sad, and hurtful, but it doesn’t make us idiots for believing in the mask.

    It’s not a bad thing to believe the best of people. It makes life bearable and even enjoyable from time to time, so it’s still highly recommended, even if it does entail some risk.

    Good grief this thing got long. Sorry ’bout that. 😛

  6. jona says:

    I used to like him too, shame he isn’t the man I thought.

  7. Walnut says:

    CBS cancelled his plans for a Holocaust miniseries. Go figure! The guy had big plans to rehabilitate his image, and then he goes and does this. I can’t help but think his career is doomed.

  8. Stamper in NV says:

    And of course you know the new story: someone close to Mel said this was a suicide attempt since he was clocked at 87 in a 45 mph zone. What do you think of his appeal for help from the Jewish community? That’s a load to cover up the stupid comment he made.

  9. Walnut says:

    No one’s buying it, Sis. One rabbi (can’t remember the name) correctly stated, “We’ll judge him from his actions, not from his words.” As it should be.

  10. Mel says:

    I am not an anti-semite:

    From dictionary.com:

    1. A member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near East and northern Africa, including the Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews, and Phoenicians.

    2. A Jew.

    3. Bible. A descendant of Shem.

    Hating Jews does not make one hate all groups of Semitic-speaking people. I do not necessarily hate Arabs, Arameans, Baylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, or Phoenicians. Nor do I necessarily hate the descendants of Shem. Please learn what words mean before using them.

  11. mel gibson says:

    Doug? Does this mean our friendship is over? Are you joining the judeo-secularists now?

  12. mel gibson says:

    Whoa, my stunt-double is in the house. Obviously not the real enchilada as I would not stoop to reading a dictionary.

  13. Corn Dog says:

    Mel’s got “crazy eye.” He looks like that fool Margaret Kane, the runaway bride, in the eyes. Pie-eyed horses the two of them. If eyes are the windows of the soul, their souls must be running a 3 ring at Barnum & Bailey. Mel said, “I’m not a bigot.” Reminds me of when Bill Clinton declared he never had sex with Monica Lewinsky. I guess Mel does not know the definition of bigot. Bill didn’t know the definition of sex. 87mph does not classify as a suicide attempt either. Makes me wonder what PR person made that one up. I mean you can coerce an AMC Pacer to go 87mph. I think they want to swing the public’s current intense disgust of Mel over to pity. Anything to get the public back to the movie ticket buying stage.

  14. Walnut says:

    Mel, I think you could make it up to me and the rest of the tribe by getting circumcized and having a Bar Mitzvah. Put your shvanz where your mouth is, so to speak.

    Corn Dog, yeah, it doesn’t work for me, either.