Before and after

Have I pissed and moaned about our remodel? I must have at one time or another, so I’ll keep it brief here. We had a big remodel done a few years ago. We ran out of money (oh, something about our contractor going about 100% over-budget). As a result, for the last few years we’ve had plywood floors, plywood counter tops, mix-and-match exterior siding, and a variety of other weird problems — like the LEAKS. Leaks and leaks and more leaks, the main reason we remodeled when we did, rather than wait until we had enough money to do it all at once. And did the first contractor fix the leaks? Noooo.

In the last several weeks, we’ve taken a few giant steps forward. Our new contractor has replaced all of our leaky doors and caulked here and there, and the leaks are far better than they were. We won’t know until the next big storm whether all of the leaks are better, but based on the last storm, more than half of them are gone.

But the big deal, from my point of view: NEW COUNTER TOPS! WOOT! No more plywood. We’ve gone granite.

Pix below the cut.


Birthday pie

One of these days, I’ll learn not to shoot pictures in a dark room with a bright window in the background.

We had birthday pie for dinner. Pumpkin, to be exact. We had pie because our kitchen is still a bit torn up, thanks to getting NEW COUNTER TOPS! Photo blog soon to follow. Yup, we said goodbye to our icky temporary plywood counters, and we’ve gone granite. Woot!

And here you see Karen’s new big-assed TV. Considering that this is only the third TV we’ve bought since 1984 (fourth, if you count the one we got for Jake), I guess I don’t feel too bad about splurging on the big-assed model.

Wow. I’m going to have to add a new category for this post.


The Filial Thirteen

My son is twelve. TWELVE! ALMOST A TEENAGER! And so I got this brilliant idea to do a Thirteen all for him. Trouble is, I did it last year, too. So much for originality. Can I come up with thirteen more memories about my son?

You betcha.


For the geek who has everything

From ThinkGeek, the WiFi detecto shirt:

Here at ThinkGeek we’re pretty lazy when it comes to technology. We expect our gadgets to do all the busywork while we focus on the high level important tasks like reading blogs. That’s why we hate to have to crack open our laptops just to see if there is any wi-fi internet access about… and keychain wi-fi detectors, we would have to actually remove them from our pockets to look at them. But now thanks to the ingenious ThinkGeek robot monkeys you can display the current wi-fi signal strength to yourself and everyone around you with this stylish Wi-Fi Detector Shirt. The glowing bars on the front of the shirt dynamically change as the surrounding wi-fi signal strength fluctuates. Finally you can get the attention you deserve as others bow to you as their reverential wi-fi god, while geeky chicks swoon at your presence. You can thank us later.

Hey, I got a geeky chick to marry me, and I didn’t need no dumb shirt. But thanks for thinking about me just the same.


Salt pork. No, really.

I’ve written about nosebleeds before, but not in any helpful way. Since Dan wants a post on nosebleeds, and since I’m easy, here it is. But read my disclaimer first.


Tonsillectomy redux

I feel like the publisher of Playboy. While most of my hits come from this cleavage photo or that J-Lo butt photo, occasionally rarely, newcomers are here to read things. In response to last year’s post on tonsillectomy, KC writes,

here’s one for ya…. i used to get tonsillitis a lot as a child. my mom asked the dr. if he thought i should have them removed and he said “No, they’ll probably rot out on their own.” What the HECK? I don’t have trouble with tonsillitis as an adult, but I do have crypts in them like crazy so suffer the dreaded tonsil stones. YUCK. Wish I had them out years ago so I wouldn’t have these nasty tonsil stones to deal with.

What’s up with my doctor saying that my tonsils would rot out on their own?

This was in the 1970’s by the way.

KC, I have an answer for you . . . below the fold.


Best laid plans

Just settling down to write a post on tonsillectomy, when wouldn’t you know it: the ER calls. I have to go stop a bad nose bleed.

See ya later. Maybe.


Hell, you don’t need me. CORN DOG IS BACK!

Scent of a [sexually receptive partner]

Usually, the mainstream media jumps all over scientific reports relating to gender issues. LGBT science is hot stuff. I might have missed it, but a recent report in Nature (Vol 448, August 30, 2007, p. 1009) should have made a splash, but didn’t — perhaps because the findings can’t be boiled down into a simple sound byte, or the information is a little too technical, or folks are too quick to disregard any relationship between mice and humans.

Here’s the question, and it is, arguably, the central question of gender: what controls our preference for a male or female mate? In the August 30 Nature, Kimchi et al. (no, I’m not joking about the name) report that pheromone sensing controls both partner preference and mating behavior. First, some definitions:

In vertebrates, pheromones are recognized by neurons located in two sensory tissues in the nasal cavity, the main olfactory epithelium (MOE) and the vomeronasal organ (VNO) . . . . Previous work had shown that deletion of the gene encoding TRPC2, a cation channel expressed only in VNO neurons, profoundly diminishes pheromone-evoked activity in these neurons.

Here’s the deal: since the 80s, scientists have had the ability to create “knockout mice,” mice lacking function in one particular gene. (The inventors of the technique recently won the Nobel Prize for it.) In the old days, if you wanted to investigate the function of the VNO, you’d have to surgically ablate it. But that would open up a raft of confounding variables — perhaps the behavioral changes were due to some other effect of surgery, not to destruction of the VNO. But with genetic techniques, you have a truly fine scalpel to dissect structure and function. Trpc2 knockout mice allow us to look at the behavior of mice which have not had surgery, still have VNO neurons, but lack VNO neurons’ responsiveness to pheromones. They are (nearly) ‘pheromone-blind’ mice.

Are you still with me? Great. Because now we get to the good stuff: the behavior of Trpc2 knockout mice.

Male mice lacking the Trpc2 gene do not distinguish between males and females, mating with animals of either sex. Moreover, in contrast to normal males, these mutant mice do not fight with intruder males.

. . . .

Now, Kimchi et al. find that Trpc2-deficient females also fail to distinguish between males and females among their conspecifics [members of the same species] in terms of mating preference. Unexpectedly, however, they found that mutant females behave like Trpc2-deficient males, sniffing, pursuing, and mounting mice of either sex . . . . These findings suggest that the VNO detects pheromones that normally prevent female mice from displaying male-typical sexual behavior.

Females can also be from Mars, Nirao M. Shah and S. Marc Breedlove, Nature News & Views, 30 August, pages 999-1000

How much of this, if any of it, can be generalized to humans? If you search for articles on “olfaction” (the sense of smell) and “libido,” or “anosmia” (loss of the sense of smell) and “libido,” you’ll find a raft of testimonial-quality evidence, but there’s precious little in peer-reviewed journals. A recent review (abstract) looked primarily at evidence from animal studies. However, Swedish scientists have found, using positron emission tomography (a scan which highlights metabolic activity in the brain), that lesbians respond to the putative pheromones AND and EST the way heterosexual men do. Similarly, homosexual men respond to AND the way heterosexual women do.

I don’t think a coherent picture has yet emerged explaining all the intricacies of olfaction and its effects on human sexual preferences. Fascinating topics like this make me wish I were back in the biomedical research biz, though. It’s even relevant to my turf — ear, NOSE, and throat.

Enjoy your Sunday.


I Heart Pete Stark *updated*

. . . for speaking truth to power.

He’s getting blasted by the Republican noise machine for stating that Bush is getting kids’ heads blown off in Iraq for his own amusement. When I sent Congressman Stark a contribution today, I wrote him that ‘amusement’ was not, perhaps, the best word. This war is all about Bush’s toilet paper-thin ego, and his desperate, panicky desire to “stay relevant.” And no, that’s not the whole story, because it leaves out the lust for dictatorial power, the desire to commit the most massive theft in world history, the psychopathology of engineering a Revelations-style Armageddon in the Middle East, and the stupidity to blunder into it with as much foresight and planning as a crowd of drunken frat boys deciding a panty raid on ‘those Tri-Delt bitches’ would be a good thing. Pete Stark’s comments barely scratch the surface of the Bush Administration’s evil.

But they were a fine start.

You rock, Congressman Stark.

Live-blogging tonight, y’all.

UPDATE 10/23/07: He apologized. I want a refund on the money I contributed!


Friday Flickr Babes: voyeur

Man in the mirror, originally uploaded by Sator Arepo.

This one strikes me as masterful understatement. The voyeur’s attentiveness is moderated by the lack of focus; the woman is only partly nude, so to what degree is he invading her privacy?

More voyeurism . . . below the cut.
