Birthday pie

One of these days, I’ll learn not to shoot pictures in a dark room with a bright window in the background.

We had birthday pie for dinner. Pumpkin, to be exact. We had pie because our kitchen is still a bit torn up, thanks to getting NEW COUNTER TOPS! Photo blog soon to follow. Yup, we said goodbye to our icky temporary plywood counters, and we’ve gone granite. Woot!

And here you see Karen’s new big-assed TV. Considering that this is only the third TV we’ve bought since 1984 (fourth, if you count the one we got for Jake), I guess I don’t feel too bad about splurging on the big-assed model.

Wow. I’m going to have to add a new category for this post.



  1. Rella says:

    You would almost think that the images on the TV are larger than life-size! Which makes me really re-think some of the gross images from movies gone by… and to see them larger than life… YUK! Especially in the bedroom…

    Granted, given the right kind of movie…. };)


  2. Walnut says:

    I know! Condi Rice’s face came on the screen, twice life-size, and I nearly pooped my pants.

  3. kate r says:

    is that colbert or tweety we’re watching? and who’s the hairy guy?

  4. Walnut says:

    Neither. I think meine frau (mein frau? Darla, help me out) was watching one of the Law and Order Spawns.

  5. You getting high-def cable? If not, how is standard definition on one of these TVs?

  6. Walnut says:

    Not yet, Jim, but DirectTV promises they’ll have 100 HD channels soon. Standard def would look just fine on this TV if we had the good sense to put the TV further away from the bed. As it is, some programs (old movies, for example) look a little low rez. But if you avoid Condi Rice’s face, you should do fine.

  7. kate r says:

    meine Frau, I bet. She being female and all.