Let’s give Congressman Weldon some love mail, hmm?

I agree with Steve Gilliard: just when you thought the Republicans couldn’t stoop lower, one finds the basement door. This week, Congressman Curt Weldon attacked his Democratic challenger (Admiral Joe Sestak) for taking his daughter to a Washington D.C. hospital for treatment of her brain tumor. You’re right, it doesn’t make any sense, does it?

Steve has the full story along with Congressman Weldon’s email address. Here’s my letter:

By attacking Admiral Sestak’s decision to have his daughter’s brain tumor treated at a DC area hospital, you have proven yourself capable of spectacular insensitivity and small-mindedness on an unprecedented scale. Take no prisoners, especially not grievously ill five-year-olds and their anxious parents. Way to show to the voting public what a decent human being you are. Keep up the strong work!

I’ve been in medicine for 16 years. I have diagnosed brain tumors in children, and I have seen those children die. I’m probably wasting my breath telling you this, but the last thing on a parent’s mind is political positioning. All the Sestaks care about is what’s best for their daughter. What part of that don’t you understand? Are you that empathy-challenged?

You would do well to apologize to the Sestaks and beg their forgiveness. But I forgot — like your master, you folks don’t apologize. Can’t afford to look weak. So just muscle your way through this one, Congressman, because there’s little else you can do.

Best of luck in retirement!

Douglas Hoffman MD PhD

If I get a response, I’ll let you know.
