No, I can’t be bothered to take 30 seconds to mark-as-spam-and-delete CRAP from online pharmaceutical outlets. So, screw it. The following words are blacklisted:
Celebrex, Propecia, Levitra, Viagra, Cialis
So if you write a comment containing one of those words, I won’t see it. It will die in e-space.
And why oh why doesn’t WordPress enable me to block the email addies of the idiots sending me these spams? It’s blacklist-or-moderate, nothing in between. I don’t get it.
More to come, but I had to get that off my chest.
spam karma 2: install it, know it, love it.
I think the “Spam Karma” mentioned above might be a good idea. Especially given that Rob Cockerham (of —another wonderful site, if you haven’t come across it already) pointed out in one of his posts that, if you include things like !=i and 1=i and 4=a substitutions, there are 1,300,925,111,156,286,160,896 ways to spell v!a6ra.
Interesting—now I’m back in moderation hell. Hmmm.
WordPress doesn’t like your gmail account, Pat. Thanks for the Spam Karma link, guys — I’ll have to futz with that tonight.