A passing resemblance?

Yesterday, one of my older patients said to his wife, “You know who he looks like? That guy. You know. The one who played John Adams.”

Having missed that one, I flashed on some actor in a powdered white wig . . . but a little trip to IMDB later that day revealed he was referring to Paul Giamatti.

I dunno . . . I don’t see it.


In other news, while I may look like Paul Giamatti (whom I am looking forward to seeing next year in John Dies at the End — read it, damn it!), I feel like van Gogh’s doctor.


Which is to say, I have a head cold, and in my weirdly constructive memory, I cast Dr. Gachet as a physician-heal-thyself kinda guy with a cold pack (or a warm pack, take your pick) mounted on his forehead.

But I’m willing to concede it may be a hat.
