Cry Baby Cry

Wi’w Biww O’Weiwwy, he not happy wid dose mean weft wing bwoggas.

On the January 23 O’Reilly Factor, Bill felt it necessary to

attack “far-left websites” for “put[ting] out a fatwa against him” and Washington Post ombudsman Deborah Howell, further claiming the websites engage in “organized terror.” (See Media Matters link, above.)

O’Reilly’s hyperbolic rhetoric takes its place alongside Chris Matthews, Pat Buchanan, Tucker Carlson, and Joe Scarborough, who are trying to equate opposition to Bush with support for bin Laden. O’Reilly, however, adds a distinctly personal spin to the affair. O’Reilly is the target of the fatwa; O’Reilly is the victim of a terrorist campaign.

Hey, Bill? Um, the same Bill who invited Al Qaeda to strike San Francisco? Tell you what. You send me your address, and I’ll send you a box of tissues.

Hat tip to Robot Buddha.



  1. Blogenfreude says:

    At Agitprop, we stand on guard!

  2. Pat Kirby says:

    Man, O’Leilly’s have a Chernobyl-sized meltdown. Maybe if someone throws a bucket of water at him, he’ll just go away.

  3. Blue Gal says:

    A fatwa? I don’t have time for a fatwa against B.O.R.E.illy. Really. He is so not worth it. If I had time, I’d feel sorry for him for selling his soul to Rupert Murdoch instead of becoming a real journalist.

  4. Blue Gal says:

    Oh, but Blogenfreude is doing the whole fatwa thang for me, and beautifully, too. Thanks, honey.

  5. Kate R says:

    Depressing fact du jour:
    Bush has spent Ft Knox 3 times over on his war.