There are blonde jokes, and then there are blonde jokes

But this one is the best ever. Make sure you read it to the very end.

Oh. My. Gawd.


PS: Stop Alito — sign the petition!


  1. fiveandfour says:

    I’m speechless…that was something else…

  2. Just great. I’ve added a link too.

  3. Darla says:

    It happens that one of my messageboards has a thread just for blonde jokes. I had to post this there.

    Too funny.

  4. Kate R says:

    1. still haven’t talked to Mike, but I will.

    2. silly damn joke and nienke, you’re evil too.

    3. can you address this bit from wikipedia in your boogers blog? Maybe something about how entirely gross and bizarre it and the human body are? “The word frenulum can also refer to the muscular connection that can be felt on the underside of the tongue. The pratice of cutting this is called Kechari Mudra and is a yogic pratice endured mostly in india to allow turning of the tongue itself up into the nasal cavity for spiritual practices.”

  5. Kate, stop being such a blonde. And of course I’ll do a boogerz entry for ankyloglossia (tongue tie) . . . by the end of today, how’s that?

    That Wiki sounds like they’re talking about — hope I’m remembering this right — kriya yoga, which encompasses a number of other interesting practices. Should be fun.

  6. Kate R says:

    I just want to know how picking your nose with your tongue inside your head is a spiritual practice, but I guess even a medical professional like you can’t answer that.

  7. My dear, I can answer that. All will be revealed.

  8. Gabriele C. says:

    I came across that one a few days ago already; boy, that thing must have really spread by now.

  9. Beard says:

    Laughing hard enough to scare the neighbors, Thanks Doug!

  10. Beard, I just checked my sitemeter referrals. You are the Typhoid Mary of blonde jokes, did you know that?