Back like a bad penny

To answer Rella’s question, yes, the house in Harbor is still standing. What’s that flowering plant that has blue blooms in basic soil, and red blooms in acidic soil (or vice versa)? Well that plant is HUGE now. Our rosemary bush is still huge, as are our cherry and deodora trees. Most exciting: my Monterey Pine is really tall.

Now that you know what my priorities are . . .

The new flooring looks great as does the new roof. Once we finish siding the garage, we’ll have all new siding and the place will be good as new. On the outside, anyway.

We had a fun vacation, took lots of pictures, but we’re exhausted and y’all will just have to wait.

Didja miss me?



  1. Rella says:

    Plant’s called a Hydrangea. They are normally pretty big, but if it’s huge… well, huge means pictures! Right? Need lots of pictures to live vicariously this summer. We are going nowhere, except our basement for the reno that never ends!

    Great to have you back!


  2. Walnut says:

    Unfortunately, we visited the house after sunset and couldn’t take any good pictures 🙁

  3. Walnut says:

    But I do have some other good pictures on the way.