Either they love him or they hate him

We were TP’d last night. Not a bad job, but hardly professional. No toilet paper on the roof . . . no mostly dried-up egg yolk on the driveway or windows. The tree is well festooned, as are some of our bulb plants, but that seems to be the limit of our TP’ers creativity.teepee1


What follows is pure guesswork and supposition. For all I know, my partner and his wife had a few too many and decided to flashback to their youth. But given that most TP attacks are directed at the school-age child of the household, I wondered who would target my son.

I didn’t have to wonder long, since only a few of his classmates know where he lives. Specifically, his co-stars in this creation. The better question is this: should we take this as sign of affection, or act of revenge?

See, they didn’t get a great grade on the project. I know, I know, it’s hard to believe. They made a video, for the love of all things unholy. But the terms of the assignment specified that certain information regarding drug use had to be in the song’s lyrics, and my son and his fellow filmmakers included the info in a number of captions. The teacher judged this sinful enough to warrant a B rather than an A.

Why blame Jake? Because he insisted that if they make him (and me) do the bulk of the filming and editing, they would need to do the writing. And when he didn’t answer his text-message on the day they wanted his help with the writing (because, tech savvy though he may be, he’s never mastered the art of IM), perhaps they figured he was being good to his word.

In other words (as Karen put it this morning), your basic fight between the writer and the cinematographer.

Or, on the other hand, perhaps one of ’em has a mean crush on my boy.



  1. Stamper in CA says:

    In the “olden days” a TP job always meant you were popular enough to have that done to you.It was almost a status symbol (and usually this happened to members of the football team (I know…I’m a thousand). I don’t know what it means today. They did a pretty lame job (even the tree because notice they didn’t go up into the top part of the tree?)I guess Jake will find out tomorrow who the culprits are?

  2. Lucie says:

    Definitely done by girls. Boys would have used eggs and made a bigger mess. I think someone must have a crush!

  3. kate r says:

    awwww, he’s an accepted member of a group of hoodlums. I’m jealous for my own kid who wouldn’t rate a kleenex tossed from a passing car.

  4. Walnut says:

    I’ll let him know that the consensus is “crush.” I’m sure he’ll be horrified.