A generalized outpouring of anger

Angry patients today. I wrote a post about them and then I got paranoid that someone from work might read it. So I thought I’d post it over at The Other Place, but I can’t remember the password there. Sheez.

People are angry for so many reasons. They should be happy they have decent health insurance, but of course if they thought it was decent they wouldn’t be angry.

As for why they vent on me . . . What can I say, I’m there. I listen. I’m convenient.

Not that you can placate these people. Tried my best not to inflame them further — how’s that?

And after work, I stopped off at an Indian market to buy some sweets for Karen, only to have an 8-year-old boy holler at me, “YOU CAN’T GO IN THERE, YOU’RE NOT INDIAN!”

And I’m thinking, even the children are bitching me out.


PS: Internet’s been down the last couple of days, but we have it fixed. And I’m back.


  1. M says:

    Sorry to hear about the sick, the anger and your mom. As for the sick, have you ever thought about Vitamin D to prevent bugs? It seems to be gaining acceptance–Dr. Oz was touting it on The View which shocked me as I thought it was more fringe than that.

    Feel better!

  2. Walnut says:

    Now it’s vitamin D? It’s always something. Well at least people have stopped spraying zinc solutions up their noses.