The number ten spot

Sorry, no link, but I caught a story this morning in the Bakersfield local paper regarding the top ten religions listed by folks on Facebook who mentioned a preference on their profile. Christianity came in number one, not surprisingly — they lumped together Catholics, Protestants, JWs, Greek Orthodox, Mormons, all of them. Islam snagged the number two slot, and I think Hindus took #3.

My tribe took seventh. Not bad, considering how few of us are left in the world. We were beat out by the agnostics and atheists.

Who took the #10 spot?

The Jedi.



  1. Microsoar says:

    I feel a strange disturbance in the farce…

  2. KGK says:

    You know that military has approved 39 different symbols for use on gravestones, including among others atheist (an A inside an atomic symbol, which gives one pause), the Community of Christ (a symbol that appears to be a woman or a man with a short skirt with a lamb and a very bear-like lion), Sufism Reoriented, Native American Church of North America (teepee with feathers on top), and, as of 2007 after a lawsuit, Wiccan (pentacle in a star). The Star of David is symbol number 3 (after #1 the Christian Cross and #2 the Buddhist Wheel of Righteousness), so a better showing than on Facebook. No Jedi yet – maybe there’ll be a new lawsuit…

  3. tambo says:

    May the force be with you. Always.

    Fwiw, I have a cousin who’s a Jedi. Well, his Facebook thingy claims he’s Methodist, but we all know better. :p