Yeah, I’m bad

I get bored easily, which is why I rarely finish my games. Oblivion, Beyond Divinity, The Witcher, and so many more . . . all lie moldering on their virtual shelves. I’ve finished a few games, like Diablo and Diablo 2, Fallout 2, and Oddworld (about a dozen times), but so many more remain untouched. Waiting. You know, like those lonely toys in Toy Story.

I suppose I could reinstall Oblivion, but naaaah. I want to be this dude.


I remember playing the original Prince of Persia back in ’90, my internship year. Best I can recall, it was a linear scroller, heavy on the button-mashing, an exercise in eye-fingertip coordination. Lots of jumping and grabbing and leaping and hacking and smashing. I’ve been meaning to check out the newer versions of the franchise, but only got around to it today when I found the Sands of Time trilogy for twenty bucks.

A trilogy, a whole trilogy. Probably 60 hours of gameplay! Never mind that I’ll probably tire of it after two hours; for now, I’m a sword-wielding wall-walking somersaulting Prince of Persia.

I wish Diablo 3 would come out.



  1. Chris says:

    It took me 6 years to finish Baldur’s Gate, and I only did that because MonkeyBoy kept begging me to play while he watched (watched = nagged & bossed & was a general control-freak PITA).

  2. Walnut says:

    Ooh, you have a pootie gravatar! (Isn’t that what those pix are called, gravatars?)

    Baldur’s Gate still shows up on lots of all-time-favorite lists. I find it bewildering. I could never manage to get more than 2% into that game before I’d start getting myself and my party slaughtered. NOT a fun experience. No matter what I tried, the outcome was always the same. That’s one of the reasons I’ve been a Diablo fan — any game which both holds my interest to the end AND is balanced enough to allow me to finish deserves some loyalty.

    Jake’s favorite in this regard is American McGee’s Alice, a dark and twisted version of Alice in Wonderland. Chris Vrenna of NIN did the musical score, and it’s a good enough score that we bought the soundtrack. The artwork is terrific, particularly considering the game’s age.