Cuz it’s like secret

All I want to know is: what’s the release date for Diablo 3?

There are all kinds of nifty things on the official Blizzard site, like a cool cinematic and a map that finally puts Lut Gholein and Tristram — well, on the map. I mean, what kind of doofuses must ye be to not realize fantasy lovers like MAPS? (Note to Tammy: next book needs a map.)

There’s a gameplay video, too. I see that the Barbarian has a new skill: he can stomp his enemies into blood pudding. Cool!

But no word as to the release date. Blizzard, don’t you understand I really need more games I have no time to play?



  1. tambo says:

    Second book had a map. It needed a map. The other books took place ‘at home’ and don’t need maps.

    Did anyone even notice the map in Threads of Malice?? I worked a LONG time on it. lol

  2. Walnut says:

    I probably overlooked it because it didn’t have a ton of Welsh place-names, nor any dark clouds brooding over impossibly steep mountain pinnacles, nor any cartoonish sea monsters swimming off shore. Fix that next time, hmm?

  3. Walnut says:

    But your fan(s) cry out!

  4. tambo says:

    /me hands the fans kleenex.
    The answer’s still No.