
So I’m gonna go interview in So Cal on Tuesday, and I’m flying out tomorrow afternoon. So Cal means there’s at least a theoretical chance we could live near the coast, thus meeting the all-important cool weather criterion. We could, for example, live in Malibu:

Robert Redford, Mel Gibson, Barbra Streisand, Richard Gere, Sally Field and Whoopi Goldberg (to name just a few) all own homes along the exclusive Malibu shore.

and that means I could be obnoxious to some really, really famous people.

Hey Sally — lookin’ pretty hot for your age! Who’s your surgeon? Whoopi, I’ll never forgive you for Star Trek TNG. No. Seriously. Cannot forgive. Cannot. Mel! Kiss my hairy Jewish ass! And Richard? Stay away from my ferrets!

But sadly, even with a tanked real estate market, there’s no way we could afford Malibu. Even Santa Monica . . . best we could do MAYBE is an overpriced apartment (they call ’em condos but they’re located in apartment buildings, so you tell me). But Malibu? Best we could do would be an old water tank on a rubbish tip.

Which sounds cool, actually. They put those tanks atop hills, after all. We could have a tank with a view.



  1. Dean says:

    They don’t put rubbish tips on hills, though, at least not hills with ocean breezes.

    Living in Malibu would be somewhat like driving a Mercedes: nice, possibly, but something I’d never do because of the associations.

  2. shaina says:

    YAY i’m so happy that there might actually be a chance that i could meet you!!!

  3. Stamper in CA says:

    How about becoming an ENT to the stars? With that nose, surely Barbara Streisand is plagued with all sorts of sinus issues.

  4. KGK says:

    Good luck with the interview!

  5. Walnut says:

    Dean, why do they call them tips?

    Shaina, so live blogging ain’t like meeting for realsies?

    Sis, you’re confusing external issues with internal issues. Other point is that her big nose provides additional resonance. Change the nose, change the voice. I wonder if she’s still performing?

    Kira: thanks!

  6. Anduin says:

    It would be great if you moved to SoCal. We could do lunch!

  7. Dean says:

    They call them tips because they are Monty Python and the can call it whatever they like.

  8. Walnut says:

    Depends on where in SoCal you live, Anduin. We might still be an airplane flight away 🙂

    Dean: indeed!