
Oy, where did the weekend go?

Today, I launched a new blog: The Eustachian Project. I want to shunt articles from my medical website over into a blog format. Two good reasons for that: interactivity (people can leave comments at the blog, where they couldn’t at the medical site) and flexible searchability with categories. And a third reason: if I follow through with this, it will give me a chance to fact-check things I wrote 7 to 10 years ago. My post on ear candling, for example, is a major re-write.

Back to work tomorrow. This work thing could get tiring, you know? And in February, I start taking call . . .



  1. Corn Dog says:

    Where is the frog picture? I miss them.

  2. Walnut says:

    Me too. I’m still trying to figure out how to put an image into the header. I’m not sure this theme gives me access to the header html, though.

  3. Really? No header.php in the theme editor?

  4. KGK says:

    Glad to see that you are freshening up the medical side of the house. The new look is great. Keep on fluffing the pillows!

  5. Walnut says:

    Kira: thanks bunches 🙂

    ps: I tried cut-and-pasting the header.php into my comment, and my machine bent over and mooned me. Imagine that! I’ll email you tonight and show you what’s what.

  6. [M]y machine bent over and mooned me.

    Awesome. Now that’s an image that’s got some staying power…