Job worries

In my dreams last night, I kept going back to University of Texas. The chairman offered me a job some time ago, and (assuming he’s serious) that’s the only solid job offer I have for the moment. Maybe that’s why I kept dreaming about UT.

We’ve vowed never to go back to Texas, of course, and I’ve given up my license there, too, so it ain’t gonna happen. But tell that to my subconscious.

blackfeetUnfortunately, in the dream my job at UT was temporary. The chairman wanted someone with solid head and neck cancer skills, whereas I’m more of a general practice ENT. He was short-staffed, though — the department was down to him, me, and a lovely dark-skinned woman with whom I had suddenly found myself in bed. Naked.

Now, as I’ve mentioned previously, I can’t even manage to cheat on my wife in my dreams, so this situation put me in a bind. With a co-worker, no less! So I was a good boy. All I did was stroke her thigh a little.

And I gave her a foot massage.

With my tongue.

But that’s all that happened, I swear. Nine months from now, you’ll find no little dreambabies crawling around Balls and Walnuts.



  1. Carrie Lofty says:

    I can’t cheat on Keven in my dreams either. Dammit.

  2. Mary says:

    I don’t blame you. If I could get out of Texas, I wouldn’t come back either.

  3. Walnut says:

    yeah, it’s nothing personal . . . just the heat. And the fire ants and chiggers and road-rage-breathin’ red necks. Aside from all that, Texas is great.

  4. Thorne says:

    Gah! I hate that, don’t you? I really prefer my dreams to be places of lovely fantasy- an escape from reality. It’s usually a sign of stress in me when my dreams cycle around life events. No surprise that joblessness would cause that kind of stress. I’m seeking *choke outside employment myself currently. Seems folks would rather pay their mortgage than get a tattoo. Tough times. Hang in there Doug!

  5. Walnut says:

    I have a job, Thorne 🙂 I simply don’t have a permanent position. My subconscious is wondering where I’m going to be 12 months from now. My conscious mind is wondering the same thing.