Post-debate musings

At first, my gut reaction was “tie.” I’m still in the tank for Obama, of course, but I thought McCain did a little better than I expected him to do. Of course, he’s been screwing up so badly lately that he would have had to piss himself to NOT beat my expectations. As far as I could tell, he did not piss himself.

I was disappointed in Obama. I thought he missed a number of easy attacks. When McCain trotted out his, “My opponent won’t admit the Surge worked!” shtick, I wanted Obama to point out that the Surge did NOT work, inasmuch as it didn’t accomplish the diplomatic goals which were the stated purpose of the Surge. Yes, violence is down. But if we define success retroactively, then everything is successful, because nearly everything has a silver lining.

For example:

“The Iraq war has been a huge success at raising awareness of Middle Eastern mega-arachnids.” See?

Oh. And when McCain gave his bit about, “I know how to find Bin Laden, and I WILL find him, but I’m not going to tell you how I’m going to do it,” I wondered why Obama let it slide. Doesn’t he watch Keith Olbermann? Doesn’t he read Daily Kos? Senator Obama, it’s easy. “You know how to find Bin Laden, Senator McCain? Then why haven’t you shared this knowledge with President Bush?”

So, yeah, I was disappointed in Obama. He seemed off his game tonight.

As I watched some of the post-debate analysis, though, I realized how badly McCain crashed and burned. Did you catch it when he went after Social Security? Was he insane? That’s one of those things you know has to be done but you don’t talk about it before the election. Jeez. That’s not straight talk . . . that’s stupid talk.

McCain’s “that one” or “this one” comment (referring to Obama) was lame, too. It didn’t strike me as racist so much as disrespectful and nasty. I don’t think it’s going to play well.

That’s enough ranting for one evening. What did you think of the debate?



  1. noxcat says:

    My opinion of McCain as a Grumpy Old Man who is out of touch was confirmed. I was pleased that Obama didn’t take many pot shots at McCain. And I am tired of hearing McCain’s revisionist history about his military service and support of the troops.

  2. I thought it was boring. McCain did not do well imo. I thought he was snide and petty and dull. His health care plan is baaaaad.

    I thought Obama did better on his talking points, but I wish he would be more direct in debunking McCain.

    But then, maybe he figures he’s in the lead without a faceoff, why mess with a good thing?


  3. Walnut says:

    nox: yup, that ‘that one’ comment was pretty damning, wasn’t it? And he was as feisty as a fourteen-year-old chihuahua all night long.

    DM, yup, I think Obama played it safe. He’s too smart to do otherwise. Those of us who are his fans would like to see him kick some dusty withered ass, though.

  4. noxcat says:

    “dusty withered ass’ that’s a horrible image to leave people with!

    And it’s too modern for such an old geezer. Maybe ‘tan his hide’?

  5. kate r says:

    the post-debate “he’s a terrorist” atmosphere of the desperate Palin/McCain town halls is getting pretty creepy.