Forgive me a little victory dance . . .

AP Tally: Obama Clinches Democratic Nomination

In other words, it’s

Obama ’08!

Below the fold: nine reasons to run far, far away from John McCain.

Here are links to nine articles from mainstream news organizations, each of which cover one aspect of John McCain’s beliefs and policies. Read these articles, and discover The Real McCain.

1–McCain Defends Bush’s Iraq Strategy

2–McCain: Bush right to veto kids health insurance expansion

3–McCain says overturn the law that legalized abortion

4–McCain housing policy shaped by lobbyist

5–McCain blasts Obama’s and Clinton’s attacks on NAFTA

6–McCain in NH: Would Be “Fine” To Keep Troops in Iraq for “A Hundred Years”

7–Senate passes expanded GI bill despite Bush, McCain opposition

8–John McCain Votes to Filibuster Minimum Wage Hike

9–Bush, McCain plug Social Security

From my single-purpose blog, The Real McCain.



  1. McCain Defends Bush’s Iraq Strategy,

    Uhm. Are you referring to the “win” part of the strategy? Or the “don’t abandon your partners when the going gets tough” part of the strategy? Or the “Free people 12 million people from an oppressive fascist dictatorship” part of the strategy? Because other than that… There is little overlap.

    McCain: Bush right to veto kids health insurance expansion

    When those kids are 29 years old, not handicapped and living at home? Good for McCain.

    McCain says overturn the law that legalized abortion

    Jah. But as long as you are living your life and charting your values according to national polls on approval ratings, you’re in for some dark days ahead on this one, my friend.

    McCain housing policy shaped by lobbyist

    Just one policy? You DO know that your guy is only removed by lobbyists by a translucent film of a single law firm taking cash from other lobbyist clients and funneling it to Obama, right?

    McCain blasts Obama’s and Clinton’s attacks on NAFTA

    NAFTA works in his state. Whaddya gonna do?

    McCain in NH: Would Be “Fine” To Keep Troops in Iraq for “A Hundred Years”

    2009. President Obama has been challenged by a douchebag third world dictator. He can send troops to their death, or he can call for an overthrow of the leadership by it’s people.

    “Stand up!” says POTUS Obama. “Stand up for your freedom and we’ll STAND BESIDE YOU! WE’LL BACK YOU UP, MY OPPRESSED BROTHAHS!”

    What’s that sound? Oh, it’s laughter coming from the other side of the earth.

    Senate passes expanded GI bill despite Bush, McCain opposition

    You got me there. Nobody hates the military as much as John McCain.

    John McCain Votes to Filibuster Minimum Wage Hike

    Wow. For a guy who said he “doesn’t know much about the economy,” John knows that labor has a value, and when that value is exceeded locally, the country becomes less competitive globally.

    Which is why I can buy a bike at Target made in China and shipped half way around the globe cheaper than I can buy one made by the Huffy corp in Ohio.

    Oh wait. Huffy went out of business and those people don’t have jobs. Never mind.

    Bush, McCain plug Social Security

    I simply cannot argue with this. But only because it doesn’t make any sense.

  2. Tarantula Lady says:

    Well, back to the first point, Obama is currently 14 shy of victory per CNN and MSNBC, as of 3:13 pm PDT. Obama has timed events perfectly to coincide with a dramatic finish tonight when he (probably) wins Montana and/or South Dakota.

    Hillary in Hillaryland can’t seem to get her message straight. There have been contradictory statements coming out of her campaign which the pundits see as an indication of mammoth infighting within her campaign leadership. Currently, the official statement says that she’s staying in the fight so I guess she’s staying in her bubble in Hillaryland.

    Hey, another superdelegate just declared. It’s now at 13.

  3. Uhm. Are you referring to the “win” part of the strategy? Or the “don’t abandon your partners when the going gets tough” part of the strategy? Or the “Free people 12 million people from an oppressive fascist dictatorship” part of the strategy? Because other than that… There is little overlap.

    I always thought Bush’s strategy was “Because I worry that my dick isn’t as big as daddy’s” – in which case Dwight, you’re right – there is no overlap. Though there are some interesting parallels when one considers that McCain’s entire Navy career seemed to be driven by “Because I worry that my dick isn’t as big as daddy’s – or grandpa’s.”

  4. The Bizza says:

    Yay!!! Dance!!