My political compass

This was fun. I’m somewhat more libertarian than Ghandi, somewhere in the neighborhood of the Dalai Lama. I can live with that!

Economic Left/Right: -5.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.36

Here’s the comparison:

I have one concern: how did they get George W. Bush to answer all those questions? Some of those words had two, maybe even three syllables.



  1. dcr says:

    Now you’re going to have to start voting for Ron Paul.

    But, not Bob Barr, the non-libertarian running as a Libertarian.

  2. Chris says:

    I’m one square less libertarian than you and half a square to the right. Which probably means the Dalai Lama and I would get along famously.

  3. dcr says:

    I’m not so sure about the questions and how they evaluate your answers.

    For example, how does astrology figure into anything?

    And, what about your opinion on extramarital sex? You might find it immoral, but not want it to be illegal as long as its between consenting adults. Or, you might not think it immoral, but want to make it illegal to prevent the spread of disease or something. So, I’m not sure how your answer there figures into things, as your answer isn’t necessarily reflective of your political attitude toward the same.

    And, don’t you think some questions are best answered with a “neither agree nor disagree” response?

  4. Walnut says:

    If you say you believe in astrology, you end up somewhere out on the z-axis.

    Dan, I agree with the “neither agree nor disagree” response. And you’ve made a good point about extramarital sex. One thing I’ve learned over the years: these sorts of text are next to worthless without validation. And how do you validate something like this?

    Chris: two peas in a pod!

  5. shaina says:

    i’m at (-3.88, -4.26). so i’m a little more conservative than you, i guess. hm. that was fun though.

  6. microsoar says:

    Well, here’s a turnup:

    Economic Left/Right: -6.25
    Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.56

    I would have thought I was more a Hitler than a Ghandi. Maybe I need to organise a visit to the Political Compass by my crack Blackshirt brigade.

  7. Anduin says:

    Economic Left/Right: -3.88
    Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.38

    I too was wishing for a “neither agree nor disagree” option which would have been the case on several questions. I’m surprised by the results, a bit. I thought I would have been more to the right of things. It was fun.

  8. Lyvvie says:

    Economic Left/Right: -5.25
    Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.38

    I’m sitting in Ghandi’s lap. I’m not sure what that means, but I was fairly certain I was in the Libertarian camp. Nice to see that confirmed. Interesting site.

  9. tambo says:

    Moderate. HAven’t I always said I’m a fence-straddling moderate? 😉

    Economic Left/Right: -1.38
    Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.56

    I’m a little left, and a little libertarian, but not very much of either.

  10. microsoar says:

    Moderate. HAven’t I always said I’m a fence-straddling moderate?

    Have you said that? I didn’t think you were ready to commit to it. 😉

  11. I took this a while back and thought the results were fairly accurate and very interesting.

    But the “Where do other famous people rate” grid is anally derrived and takes some of the fun out of it. They’ve replaced “Bill O’Reilly”s dot with Dubya’s name in this one.

    …Which goes show you how little the person who assigned the dots knows about either man.

  12. Walnut says:

    Tam, I read that as “face-straddling” the first time through. Which shows you where my mind is.

    There ought to be an Emotional Compass . . .

  13. MoeJo says:

    I’m with Chris, I landed in exactly the same place.

    I also wonder if the test was written with American citizens in mind. Speaking from a Canadian perspective (because I am one), it kinda felt American to me.

  14. KGK says:

    Interesting. I’m just barely to the right on the Left/Right access (0.25) and a fair bit Libertarian (-2.56). Seems about right really! Definitely wish there was a neutral option…

  15. Economic Left/Right: -7.00
    Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.87

    I’ve taken this a couple of times, and that’s more or less where I fall.

    re: ‘neither’ responses. You have to be careful with ‘neither agree nor disagree’ responses because many people see their own positions as moderate (or nuanced or whatever), and so tend to choose that answer when it’s an option. It’s a pretty well-established issue in survey design.