And not even a good fake

What’s wrong with this picture?

Write your answers in the form of questions and cue appropriate music. My question below the fold . . .

Cute kid. Here’s the after shot:

These two photos must have circled the globe a few times since I first saw them. (Why don’t any of my photoshops go viral? Oh, well.) Perhaps he really did injure himself with a fork, though not in the manner depicted in the before photo. The after shot would also be simple to fake, of course. Note the lack of soft tissue swelling and the normal skin coloration — no bruising or redness whatsoever.

But it’s that before photo which gets me. Do you see the problem?

Since we’re playing Jeopardy,

Alex, why does this child have no blood on his face, on his tee shirt, or on his mother?

We’re asked to believe either (A) an injury like this wouldn’t bleed (yeah, right!), or (B) someone thought it would be a good idea to remove this kid’s bloody tee shirt, put on a fresh one, and then clean the kid’s face up for the photo. And even then, you must posit no further bleeding.

Can you imagine getting that shirt off? Okay, you’ve sacrificed the shirt to the scissors god. But now you’re going to pull a new tee shirt over this kid’s head? Why?

Here’s a more interesting question: Why would anyone create a photoshop like this? Am I overreacting if I consider it a distasteful, sadistic image?

And what does that make me for reprinting it here?
A debunker. Yeah, that’s it!

Enjoy your Sunday, people. I’m gonna go work on finishing the garage once and for all.



  1. Jacob says:

    The problem with it is that it’s faked. Plain and simple.

    As on Mythbusters, “Well there’s your problem!”

  2. Lyvvie says:

    …I feel Duped!

    But yeah – why fake it? Some folks are just sickinnahead!

    Although I did think when I first saw it, most forks have blunt ended tines, and he was lucky there wasn’t excessive tearing – or any tearing of his soft wee nose. The lack of blood went right by me. And I’m a MOM! I’ve seen kids bleed.

    Part of me is happy though it is a fake, because I felt sorry for the wee nipper. I still do knowing he’s got some photoshoppe freak for a relative or friend.

  3. Jacob says:

    Pity me.

  4. Walnut says:

    I have never photoshopped you. You’d make my life a living hell if I did.

  5. dcr says:

    According to, it’s true.

  6. J. says:

    No way that’s real. Snope’s investigative work on this one is shoddy, at best. Confirm it with the person who probably created the Photoshopped image in the first place? Sure, that makes sense. :/

  7. Dean says:

    I think I’m going with the doc on this one.

    How likely is it not to bleed at all, Doug?

  8. kate r says:

    ugh ugh ugh ugh. photoshopped or not, ugh.

  9. Walnut says:

    Thanks, Dean & J. How likely? About as likely as all the oxygen atoms in the room rushing to one side, thus suffocating all the poor bastards at the wrong end of the room. That likely.

    So Snopes is fallible . . .

  10. Yeah, I can’t believe an injury like that would result in such little blood, ‘missed cartilage’ be damned; noses have a (snotload?) of blood vessels in ’em…

  11. Dean says:

    I think you should email Snopes on it. They do take corrections. You probably qualify as an expert opinion. 🙂

  12. stinkeye says:

    That’s really “forked up”. Okay, when I got my nose pierced (septum) and the nostril neither bled.

    But if those pics are real, which I am sure they aren’t, you would think you would see pinch marks or at least a little swelling underneath his nose as well. That fork would have had to make extreme impact. The right nostril side should have an abrasion IMHO, because the one of the tines of the fork were pinching it.

  13. Jeff says:

    Don’t know about the rest of you, but….it looks real to me…I do a lot of Photoshopping, and usually they are easy to spot. The hardware plates on the wall behind the ladies head look like typical ER room stuff, as well as the whits cover on the thing they are sitting on. She has spots on her left shoulder…like tears..maybe some diluted blood…He also has wet spots on his t-shirt. First aid always teaches you not to pull items out that have punctured the skin as it may damage tissue or start the blood flow. Items that puncture the body..arrows..sticks..etc..are best left in until you get to the hospital in case they do cause bleeding…I figure the fork tines are in tight enough to seal the bleeding. I’ve seen some and some of you must have seen pictures of wounded people with stuff sticking out of their body and no blood is flowing. So there that’s my story and I’m sticking to it !!!

  14. Jeff says:

    Just to add to the last comment…speaking of cartilage…the cartilage isn’t fully formed in his young nose and what is there is still soft. Also the cartilage doesn’t extend to the end of the nose..the part with the fork is just tissue….there now I’m done..