The meta post

Wear a shirt like this,

and it’s inevitable you’ll meet someone who has never heard of blogs or blogging*. “It’s like a diary,” I said, “except it’s out there for all the world to see.”

He wanted to know the URL. Who knows, he could be lurking here even now.


Note fly zapper in the background. I may be kinda sorta almost vegan these days, but that doesn’t prevent me from taking pleasure in the sudden death of flies. So unBuddhist of me.


We’re traveling tomorrow. Thank heavens we’ll be leaving this heatwave behind us —



*If you can’t read it, the shirt sez, “I’m blogging this.”


  1. microsoar says:

    What you want is one of these.

    Just the thing to match the T shirt.

  2. Anduin says:

    Two things: I’ve got that bugzapper and it’s marvelous. I get a little freaked out watching the bugs spark and sizzle though. Nasty that.

    Heat wave??? It was 103 today in beautiful, hot, sunny, did I mention hot? Southern California. At 5:30 in the afternoon even. Whatever…

    Have a nice trip.

  3. Stamper in CA says:

    I think Anduin said everything I have to say about the temp here…more of the same today.
    Have a good trip.

  4. shaina says:

    WHERE DID YOU GET THE BUG ZAPPER MUST HAVE MUST HAVE!!!!!! lol. the people i babysit for just got a house on a lake which will most definately have a mosquito problem, and i’m sure they would LOVE a bug zapper, as would i since there are wetlands behind my house.

    and it always amazes me when people don’t know what livejournal/blogging is. especially people my age. like, seriously people, do you GO on the internet? ever?

  5. Walnut says:

    Here’s a similar one. I doubt it would work well with mosquitoes, but who knows. Google “Electric Fly Swatter” and you’ll find ones that are even more similar.

  6. Kris Starr says:

    88F?? Shut up.

    It’s a balmy 5C or 41F (FORTY-ONE!) here this morning. And it’s only going up to approximately 10C/50F today. In fact, the warmest temperature in the next seven days is supposed to be 19C or 66F.

    I still haven’t packed any winter things away yet.

    No, I don’t know why I live here. Especially considering the blackflies are monstrous right now, soon to be followed by the mosquitoes…