I never talked like that.

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Hollywood has decided that scientists are, um . . . funny?

Science with a laugh track: The Big Bang Theory. More here.



  1. Pat J says:

    I actually watched an episode of this recently. It was passable, in that it kept me watching to the end, and I in fact laughed once or twice, but the nerdiness is definitely a hair overdone.

    That said, my wife always rolls her eyes when we go to lunch with a friend of mine, because invariably, within ten seconds* of my butt hitting the vinyl seat of the booth, we’re discussing something like FreeNAS or crypto weaknesses or the neat-o robot he’s got to move his myriad backup tapes around at work.

    But that’s not nerdy, right? Because I’m doing it.

    * OK, it’s usually closer to three seconds.**
    ** And footnotes in a blog comment — that’s not nerdy either, right?

  2. Walnut says:

    Dates with Karen in college weren’t nearly that painful, but I have to admit I recall at least some veneer of academic geekiness. It’s a convenient way of establishing distance.

    The clips I watched were kinda sorta interesting, especially the one where the two guys were competing for the woman’s attention by who had the most impressive equations on his blackboard. Unfortunately, any worthwhile humor got drowned by the laugh track.

  3. Pat J says:

    Yeah, laugh tracks suck mightily.

  4. DementedM says:

    I actually really enjoy the show. Having been to my share of SF cons, there are people out there like that. Seriously. I’ve met them. One even made a vagina costume out of felt and wore it for three days.

    My only beef is that the constant portrayal of the characters as idiots when it comes to dating–that’s a little old.
